House Panel Approves Contempt Charge For Clinton IT Guru – IOTW Report

House Panel Approves Contempt Charge For Clinton IT Guru

DailyCaller: House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (HOGR) members voted along party lines Thursday to recommend holding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton technology aide Bryan Pagliano in contempt of Congress after he defied a congressional subpoena to testify for the second time in two weeks.

“Subpoenas are not optional,” HOGR Chairman Jason Chaffetz said to the chair from which Pagliano — the sole invited witness in an HOGR hearing on Clinton’s use of private email servers at the Department of State — was supposed to testify.

But the full House must vote on the oversight panel’s contempt resolution, and the clock is running out before Congress leaves for recess next week until after the November election. Pagliano, who managed Clinton’s email system, has already pleaded the Fifth Amendment multiple times before congressional committees. Pagliano’s lawyers indicated to the committee he would do the same if he appeared before HOGR Thursday.

11 Comments on House Panel Approves Contempt Charge For Clinton IT Guru

  1. The Toothless dog (congress) is barking and growling again.

    Look at all the crap congress has allowed Obama, Hillary the FBI, DOD, Dept. of State, IRS, EPA, CIA, ATF, Bureau of Land Management and the other agencies get away with.

    Show is over, Ryan will make sure nothing will come of it.
    Standing up for the Constitution, my ass.
    Congress is a worthless, toothless, yapping dog.

  2. Waiting with great anticipation of ANOTHER congressional incompetence; letting the slickly boys slide. No freaking wonder Hillary is so damn smug. They have her back. And the contempt of the American people.

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