House panel’s Russia report finds ‘no evidence’ of collusion – IOTW Report

House panel’s Russia report finds ‘no evidence’ of collusion

FOX: The House Intelligence Committee on Friday declared that it found “no evidence” of collusion between the Russian government and Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election, releasing a heavily redacted final report on its yearlong Russia investigation.

The Republican-authored report — released over Democratic objections — stated the committee “found no evidence that the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated, or conspired with the Russian government.” The committee did, however, “find poor judgment and ill-considered actions by the Trump and Clinton campaign.”

President Trump, reacting to the report moments after its release, hailed its findings and said the Russia “Witch Hunt” must end, in an apparent swipe at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation.  Read more


16 Comments on House panel’s Russia report finds ‘no evidence’ of collusion

  1. “We must be over the rainbow!”
    “Lions, and Tigers, and Bears! Oh, my!”
    “…melting…melting! Oh, what a world!”
    “Premiere Balloonist par excellence for the Miracle Wonderland Carnival Company.”
    “Performing spectacular feats of stratospheric skill never before attempted by civilized man.”
    “Then suddenly, the wind changed and the balloon floated down into the heart of this noble city, where I was instantly acclaimed Oz, the first Wizard Deluxe!”
    “You and I will return to the Land of E Pluribus Unum!
    “The Munchkins are happy because you have freed them from the Wicked Witch of the East.”

  2. Trump’s campaign couldn’t even collude with the Republican Party, so how could it have colluded with the Russians, or Macedonian Content Farmers, or Wikileaks, or any other group. Trump colluded with people who didn’t want President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton to be elected. Clinton colluded with Fusion GPS and the Osmidigen Administration to try and hide real High Crimes and Misdemeanors, Sedition, the truth about Benghazi, Irananian nuclear progress, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the invasion of this country by Third World Shitholers.

  3. They need to explain why sections are redacted, More importantly the Democrats on the panel need to explain just what evidence they’ve found for them to object to this report being released. Not as a group but individually put on the spot and ask the questions. I’ll bet they can’t defend themselves or the reasons they come up with would be laughed at by a kindergarten class. Foxnews can call their bluff.

  4. Fake news from old white racists, about an old white racist. Hillary would be our beloved Madame President if not for Trump’s Russian hacksters. Get woke, h8rs.

  5. They have nothing but a handful of papers shopped by the clinton crime syndicate. She and her people should be in prison. Her trial should have started already. No one is going to forget this.

  6. MJA

    The FBI has been “Deep State” for 27 years. No one will go to jail. there may be bogus “show trials” but no felony convictions! Deep State has bee very good at protecting Deep State for over 16 years!


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