House Passes a “Hot Garbage” Anti-Free Speech Bill That Has Been Slammed By The GOP & ACLU – IOTW Report

House Passes a “Hot Garbage” Anti-Free Speech Bill That Has Been Slammed By The GOP & ACLU

GOP and ACLU Find Themselves In Agreement After House Passes Idiotic Election Bill.

Pigs could be flying; the ACLU and GOP lawmakers have found themselves in agreement, on the first amendment, no less. Yesterday afternoon the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives snuck in the passage of an election security bill.

Summing up Republican sentiment nicely, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse referred to the bill as “a pile of hot garbage.” Senator Sasse said, “Today speaker [Nancy] Pelosi and House Democrats are voting to gut the First Amendment and silence free speech.” He continued, “This bill is [a] pile of hot garbage that would give federal bureaucrats the power to decide what is and isn’t political speech and then demand that records are kept on who says what.”

An unlikely bedfellow, the ACLU came out against the bill as well. In a statement, the ACLU said the bill “strikes the wrong balance, sweeping too broadly and encompassing more speech than necessary to achieve its legitimate goals” of preventing foreign interference in U.S. elections.

9 Comments on House Passes a “Hot Garbage” Anti-Free Speech Bill That Has Been Slammed By The GOP & ACLU

  1. Remember the verdict some years ago where the court ruled it’s legal for politicians to lie in a campaign?

    And now this from OUR Representatives.

    The country is off the rails. Off its rocker.

  2. Most likely their weed supplier has been lacing meth in with it, to come up with dumb butt ideas like this… still, it makes me wonder if people vote for these types or are elections being fixed.

  3. The media will sell it as an election security bill that zero Republicans supported. That’s the only thing low info voters will hear. Democrats knew it was going to be DOA in the Senate.

  4. Once they succeed in taking out the Second, they will completely take out all of the First (they are well on their way to taking out the Freedom of Religion part of it).

    When that happens the US will have Hate Speech laws as does Canada, which means that you cannot say anything those in power do not like.

    And TASS will be declared a legitimate news service.

  5. I’ll wager that President Trump cites this so called “bill” in his next rally on Nov. 1. He needs the largest Congressional “coattails” in the history of U.S. elections. A massive TEA PARTY on steroids – gone wild.

  6. Not the first time the GOP and the ACLU were aligned for a good cause. During the ’60s the ACLU finally figured out that the GOP was the party of equality and inclusion, pairing up to provide much needed civil rights legislation, and the Dems fought them the whole way.

    You have to feel for the older ACLU advocates, all those years partnering with the dems in pursuit of an egalitarian society, now the Dems are the enemies of free speech, religious liberty, of choice in healthcare, and of allowing corporations and non profits to participate in our election process (Citizens United v. FEC).


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