House passes bipartisan FISA reforms to prevent future ‘spying’ abuses – IOTW Report

House passes bipartisan FISA reforms to prevent future ‘spying’ abuses

But Carter Page, a FISA Court victim, is calling bullshnitzel.

FOX: The House Wednesday passed legislation with broad bipartisan support to reauthorize FBI crime-fighting tools that were set to expire Sunday and to reform the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court process that has been under the microscope in the Russia probe.

USA Freedom Reauthorization Act — passed by a 278-136 vote — brought together the staunchest President Trump supporters like Reps. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and some of his fiercest critics like Reps. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who wanted improvements to protect Americans’ privacy and safeguard against surveillance abuses.

While not perfect, Nadler says the bill contains “significant reform” and “decisive steps in the right direction.”

Jordan also called the bill “an improvement” over the status quo. more

4 Comments on House passes bipartisan FISA reforms to prevent future ‘spying’ abuses

  1. A juridical abortion can not be otherwise.
    The entire concept of FISA reeks of the Court of the Star Chamber.
    It will continue to be abused, but with greater perspicacity.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Fear not! Loyal Citizen™! The Greatest President in history! Better, even, than that guy before George Jefferson! Who knows just how anti- (not “un-“, but “ANTI-“) American this treason is! By design! Treason by design! Will nip this in the bud! Nip it! Loyal Citizen™. Just give Him time. There’s an election coming up. This time. Just this one time. Just this one election. Then He’ll have more flexibility. It’s all fore dee chest. Trust The Plan™. Q’s Got This™. M’s On Our Side™. The Loyal Citizen™’s side. You are loyal? Aren’t you citizen? (Sorry, I mean, Resident™ — it’s Census time! Again.).

  3. FISA itself is in direct violation of the constitution and NEVER should have been allowed to be implemented in the first place.

    TPTB argument is flawed from the getgo because a regular old warrant issued by a federal judge has been good enough until the totally corrupt FBI and DOJ wanted to end-run around all those nasty laws that prevent them from abusing their power, and they got it in spades with “judges” appointed by “obammacare Roberts” who do NOT even do their own due-diligence in verifying that the information presented to them is factually correct and follows the guidelines that were set-up to ensure no abuses of power took place.

    Why is it that leftists anti-americans can pass unconstitutional laws all the time with no hassle yet it takes YEARS and mucho denaro to get rid of an unconstitutional law that NEVER should have been passed in the first place because it violates the friggin constitution?



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