House passes defense bill with restrictions on abortions, sex changes, and diversity initiatives – IOTW Report

House passes defense bill with restrictions on abortions, sex changes, and diversity initiatives

PM: The House GOP successfully added provisions to the Defense Authorization Act, adding limits on abortion, sex changes, and diversity training in the military. The vote passed 219 to 210.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy praised the provisions, saying that the GOP did “exactly what we had said we would do” in using provisions in the bill to force the Biden administration to “stop using taxpayer money to do their own wokeism.”

“A military cannot defend themselves if you train them in woke,” McCarthy said, per the New York Times.

The new measures prevent the US Armed Forces from paying for sex changes or cross-sex hormones for personnel, from providing reimbursement for service members who seek to travel out of state to end their pregnancies, and eliminates all diversity, equity and inclusion offices at the Pentagon. Further, the Department of Defense will be prevented from employing affirmative action for military academies. MORE

7 Comments on House passes defense bill with restrictions on abortions, sex changes, and diversity initiatives

  1. Smoke and mirrors.
    What did they give the Dems for these provisions.
    Or to keep something in the new other than ‘Operation Atlantic Resolve’.
    Guarding gain of function labs?
    I hope troops in Europe fair better than Afghanistan.

  2. Kevin McCarthy doesn’t have a clue where DOD has hidden the $billions to fund shitty little wars over the world. The Military Industrial Complex is well fed with our tax dollars used to kill, maim and destroy all under the pretense of freedom.

    Cut the DOD Budget and use those funds to specifically build a Military that is to win wars in the interest of the US. That alone would limit shitty little political wars and concentrate on defending the US and their REAL National Security interests.


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