House Republicans Call For Hearings To Identify Rioters’ Sources Of Funding – IOTW Report

House Republicans Call For Hearings To Identify Rioters’ Sources Of Funding

Red State:

Republican lawmakers are demanding hearings on the funding sources of the violent demonstrations occurring across the country. As the unrest continues in cities like Portland, Oregon, and Seattle, WA, conservatives have questioned how anarchist groups affiliated with Antifa have funded their operations. 

GOP lawmakers on the House Judiciary Committee are demanding that Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) hold hearings on the individuals and entities funding the riots and looting on Friday. In a letter addressed to the chairman, Republican representatives stated that failing to look into the riots’ funding is “an abdication of responsibility.” 

The document pointed out that Congress has taken no action to protect Americans from groups like Antifa. “This committee has failed to engage substantial oversight of the forces behind these organized riots,” they wrote. “Instead, we have spent our limited time conducting partisan committee business that does not help us advance safety and prosperity for the American people.” more

14 Comments on House Republicans Call For Hearings To Identify Rioters’ Sources Of Funding

  1. Why isn’t the FBI doing this? Why aren’t state and local law enforcement agencies doing this? It’s not like there isn’t probable cause – there are videos of pallets of bricks being delivered, there is video of U-Haul trailers with shields etc. being delivered and picked up, there are videos and reports of instigators traveling from place to place to incite riots.

  2. How about some action on these huge platforms censoring conservatives? Ain’t gonna happen when “leading voices” like Jim Jordan are raking in campaign contributions from google(he took in $10,000 this cycle and said this to Tucker back in July), “Look, if they want to exercise their First Amendment liberties and give me money, I raised $3 million last quarter, if Google gives me a few thousand-dollar check(it was 10 Jim), God bless them,”

    Really Jim, really? What if NAMBLA wanted to exercise their 1st Amendment rights and kicked 10 Gs to your campaign? Or Planned Parenthood? Would you be so sanguine then?

    Then there’s this from Mike Cernovich a few months ago- In essence, how to play off any concerns about censorship from big tech.

    Man, IS THERE ONE FUCKING HONEST CONGRESSMAN besides Matt Gaetz? Even my go to, Tom Cotton, who sits on the Senate Intelligence Com. said even though their report found no collusion he won’t push the scummy chair, Rubio, to release the documents they used.

    It’s enough to start slitting throats.

  3. The explanation I read from (someone) at the DoJ is that law enforcement treats anti/blm/black bloc actors as individuals committing crimes, not as affiliates with any particular group. The DoJ made it clear they are not conducting large sweeps of arrests based on association (like through social media) by individuals. They are avoiding the unconstitutional “guilt by association” thing.

    I don’t know but that I agree with that. Such a thing works both ways and we’ve already lived through the IRS and other federal agencies practice it on the tea party conservatives under oblowme.

    However, I imagine it will first take officially declaring these groups “domestic terrorists” before it’s clear sailing, in the way our gov’t has labeled the PLO, Weather Underground, etc. I don’t understand why Barr & Co. are taking their sweet time doing that, except for political reasons.


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