House Republicans demand Adam Schiff release transcripts from Russia investigation – IOTW Report

House Republicans demand Adam Schiff release transcripts from Russia investigation

Just The News: Republican members of the House Judiciary and House Oversight committees sent a letter Tuesday to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, requesting the release 53 transcripts from its Russia investigation.

The request follows recent news reports that Intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) is thwarting attempts to release the 53 transcripts of witnesses in the Russian collusion investigation, despite a bipartisan vote in September 2018 to release them.  more

SNIP: First a letter. Fine. But tomorrow, maybe you start dropping hints to the media about how someone on the schiff team has been ‘talking’ and leaking info. Schiff is a notorious leaker of documents, and probably urine, too, so he would be inclined to believe he has a leaker on his team.

19 Comments on House Republicans demand Adam Schiff release transcripts from Russia investigation

  1. OT, but do you suppose his eyes bug out so far because of all the pressure from the growing pile of crap inside his cranium? After all, we know we’ve seen some oozing out of his mouth (h/t MJA)

  2. Grenell needs to just go ahead and release them. That sorry ass schiff will just go to court and block Grenell, and then like all the lame dick elephants before him he’ll say “what could I do, he got a judge to block me, I did everything I could!”

  3. They forgot the mandatory American Sign Language for the deaf signaler.

    I may have to learn this.

    They all look like fakers to me.


    Because they don’t create a hole with their thumb and index finger with their left hand and plunge the index finger of the right hand index finger. Repeatedly.

    They also don’t cup the left hand under the right armpit and recreate fart sounds.

    But seriously, in the age of closed captioning, what is the purpose of this ridiculous side show?

    Apparently they are essential employees.

  4. ode to a demonrat-rep:
    .a lawyer-liar named schiff
    .got called out for being a quiff
    .he whined and turned red,
    .don’t forget what bill said,
    .it depends on the meaning of “if”

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