House Republicans Introduce Bill To Make COVID-19 Data Publicly Available – IOTW Report

House Republicans Introduce Bill To Make COVID-19 Data Publicly Available

Daily Caller: Republicans in the House of Representatives introduced a bill on Thursday that would require all federal agencies to make records related to the COVID-19 pandemic available for public review within 100 days.

The Answer COVID FOIAs Now Act, sponsored by Texas Rep. Chip Roy, would order the head of each federal agency to clear all Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests related to COVID-19 treatments, as well as anything related to gain-of-function research. It was inspired by a Food and Drug Administration request to keep all documents related to the approval of the Pfizer vaccine under wraps until 2097, he explained. more

12 Comments on House Republicans Introduce Bill To Make COVID-19 Data Publicly Available

  1. @Anonymous

    The bill will go nowhere not because they are spineless and ball-less (some are, some aren’t) but because they are in the minority and lack the votes.

    Sure, you could argue that, lacking the votes, they have no real power and might as well shut up, stay home, or just become scarce and let the dems run roughshod. I prefer them to do their jobs, ineffectual or not. Common sense may peel some votes from the other side, but at the very least they are practicing/honing their craft for the day when they do get the majority and they are letting their constituents know that they are not rolling over like bought dogs.

  2. “at the very least they are practicing/honing their craft for the day when they do get the majority…”

    Which they had for the first two years under Trump. Border wall stalled. Obamacare not repealed.

    If both houses were entirely repub, not that much would change. They’re members of a very special club that has no use for us. And job #1 for them is staying in the club.

  3. We’re into talking points for the mid-terms land now. Truths they can spout off to impress the legions of uninformed voters. We tried, etc., etc.

    The people running the show, with an exception for a few that I can count on one hand, need to be eliminated. There is nothing wrong with the foundation of our government. The grifters, the charlatan’s, the carpetbaggers, the criminals, the befuddled, the pedophiles, all need to be shown the door. We need people who are willing to work part time, that will accept term limits, that are not looking for a career and the perks that come with it and most importantly, that understand that our founding fathers gave us all that we needed (with the exception of a few amendments that came later) for the people of the nation to govern themselves.

    File the above paragraph in the ain’t gonna happen file folder.

  4. None of our leaders are doing zip for us as we fall victim to drug companies that are dishing out screwed up phony named vaccines. My girl friend got talked into the booster jab on Wednesday by her trusted cardiologist. She said he yelled at her that she had to get the jab. She got it on Friday and she just called me and is having issues and wants me to take her to the hospital. This is BS and murder. Anyone else had enough??

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