House Republicans Rebuke FBI Director Wray for Tepid Response to Damning IG Report – IOTW Report

House Republicans Rebuke FBI Director Wray for Tepid Response to Damning IG Report

Dan House Republicans unleashed on FBI Director Christopher Wray about the bureau’s lackluster response to the damning problems uncovered in the DOJ Inspector General’s report on FISA abuses, according to the Washington Times.

At a House Judiciary Committee hearing yesterday, Wray claims he went “above and beyond” to provide accountability and made more than 40 changes to the bureau’s FISA policies and practices.

“The failures highlighted in that report are unacceptable — period,” he said. “They don’t reflect who the FBI is as an institution and they cannot be repeated.”

“I do not think anyone has carte blanche to bypass rules, and I intend to make it painfully clear that is unacceptable at the FBI today,” he continued.

Congressman Tom McClintock said to Wray, “You used the word ‘unacceptable.’ I would think you would find a stronger word for what has happened by the actions of people who sullied the reputations of every decent person at the FBI and disgraced the agency you now head. read more

SNIP: Honey. Fire Ants.

13 Comments on House Republicans Rebuke FBI Director Wray for Tepid Response to Damning IG Report

  1. Wray talks like a guy who believes he’s untouchable. Nothing that I have seen makes me think he is wrong.

    Trump is certainly not going to touch the walking, talking Impeachment 2.0 Tarbaby Wray. Who will?

  2. Defrauding a Federal court is a criminal matter, not a disciplinary matter.
    Perjury is a criminal matter, not a disciplinary matter.
    Treason is a criminal matter, not a disciplinary matter.

    Mr. Wray has NO INTENTION of getting to the heart of the matter – any matter.

    Like cat shit – he’ll just cover it up and hope the stink isn’t too bad.
    Course, for people who don’t keep cats, cat box odor is pretty overpowering.
    Wray’s pretending he can’t smell it: “What cat shit? I don’t smell any cat shit!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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