House RINOs Side With Dems On Gun Control – IOTW Report

House RINOs Side With Dems On Gun Control

The usual suspects.

19 Comments on House RINOs Side With Dems On Gun Control

  1. “criminalize disassembling, cleaning, and re-assembling your gun without a firearm manufacturer’s license”
    Together with a Red Flag law, you could be arrested for cleaning a gun.
    How many other amendments will get attached to it?

  2. UNIPARTYU has been around since JFK and tricky Dick attacked the “extremist” Barry 59 years ago.* My “SWAG” is UNIPARTY HAS BEEN HERE 90 YEARS.

    * Tried to be Ronny in attacking Nixon and JFK, “Extremism in defense of
    liberty. …!”! Failed

    Belated disclaimer – I was a Ronny D – watched “THE SPEECH.” 10/64. VOTED BARRY. Biased indeed!

  3. The usual suspects…on their way out the door.

    Let’s see what happens in the Senate. Mitt, Liz and Susan can be counted on for sure. Lindsey? Depends on how many scotches he’s pounded before the vote.

  4. As I disassemble, clean and reassemble my guns, I will fantasize about these legislator idiots pleading for help as they face an assassins wrath and I could stop that shooter. I’d just smile and watch them beg. That would be the extent of my actions.

  5. These RINOs will blindly dump howitzers and missiles into Ukraine for Ukrainian teens to use, though. If they could, they’d gladly send into Ukraine the American teens whose gun rights are being abridged here. And these RINOs are hoping that the GOPe rigged enough primaries to send more RINOs to Congress in November to help stall any pushback on Democrat plans. The Uniparty abides.

  6. Have you noticed that the further a government descends into tyranny and evil, the thicker and thicker the code of statutes becomes? On the surface, one would think that flagrant law-breakers in positions of power would tend toward anarchy, removing the “roadblocks” from the law that might jeopardize or imperil them as they pursue ever-increasing levels of power through criminal activity. This is exactly wrong. DNs, because they define themselves as “elite”, need a metric against which to measure and quantify their “eliteness”. That metric is The Law, specifically the extent to which The LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO THEM.

    It is precisely for this reason that DNs tend to be VERY enthusiastic about law qua law in a Pharisaical and tyrannical sense – because every new law is yet another potential way for the DN to manifest their superiority and otherness – by dispensing themselves from it. DNs wallow in hypocrisy like hogs wallow in fecal mud. If there were no law for DNs to dispense themselves from, there would be no distinction, no “otherness”, no over-and-aboveness relative to the unwashed masses.

    Case in point would be Hunter Biden. He unquestionably purchased firearms illegally and lied on Form 4473

  7. Another Case in point would be Sen. Mark Kelly. He unquestionably purchased firearms illegally and lied on Form 4473, yet not held accountable and subsequently elected to the US Senate!!!

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