House Speaker Johnson at border: ‘Disaster of the president’s own design’ – IOTW Report

House Speaker Johnson at border: ‘Disaster of the president’s own design’

“Madness is the only word that we can think of to describe this,” Johnson said, as another lawmaker suggested treason as another word. “Treason, I don’t know. It comes to an end soon and we’re here to make sure it happens.”

Johnson emphasized that the president has the authority to “stop this madness.”

No shit.

18 Comments on House Speaker Johnson at border: ‘Disaster of the president’s own design’

  1. We knew almost three years ago (and stated it) that all of this was not accidental or simply incompetence. The demonstrable pattern of too many “co inky-dinks” made it deliberate and obvious and the outrageous lying propaganda just reinforces it! If yew didn’t know this two years ago or even one year ago and are just NOW figuring this out, you are a real slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow learner… or complicit!

  2. After multiple trips to the border, the Repubs had to take another trip to the border, spending thousands to get there and back to say the same thing?
    Here is a wild idea, DO SOMETHING!

  3. “It comes to an end soon”
    Right after:
    The truth about JFK.
    The truth about J6.
    The truth about 9/11.
    The truth about Oklahoma City bombing.
    The truth about Mandalay Bay.
    The truth about how many in Congress are on the take.
    The truth about Hunter’s laptop.
    The truth about………..

  4. Treason, or dereliction of duty–I don’t care. If you are claiming asylum, go to a port of entry. Anyone crossing illegally should be immediately deported (preferably by catapult).

    I also don’t understand why Texans with property near the border cannot post “Trespassers will be shot!” signs and open fire on those trespassing across their land.

  5. According to various sites (they may be all based on the same data), we pay about $1/2B each year for congressional staff salaries. Using the estimated border “encounters”, that is an average of about $225 per “immigrant” (based on 2022 statistics). looks like a bargain to me \sarc

  6. “”We want to get the border closed and secured, first, and we want to make sure that we reduce non-defense discretionary spending,” he said.”

    Did these 64 lawmakers not know this was taking place? WTF. Good luck decreasing non discretionary spending. I read an estimate yesterday that 59% of these invaders are collecting welfare. And registered to vote.

  7. The GOP is blowing smoke up their base’s asses again. They could stop this, but they won’t because 1) the fund raise off it and 2) top GOP donors want illegal immigrants for dirt cheap labor.

    The uniparty has murdered this country. The body may still be twitching, but it’s dead. And all these speeches and lawsuits don’t count for jack motherfucking shit. A real country would have a wall, barbed wire, and machine gun nests up by now as well as a dedicated force to find and remove every single illegal from this country.

    But all the GOP does is bus them to other places INSIDE the US. What fucking good does that do except score stupid ass “own the lib” political points?

  8. Reported, the Republicans/GOP/MAGA will DO NOTHING! They are riding this horse until it drops dead. Makes Biden look good, they can NOT have that. You focks cry,aw it is ALL because your FUCKING party wants this! Go to hell,trumptards!


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