House Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos from House of Representatives – IOTW Report

House Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos from House of Representatives

GP: The US House of Representatives voted Friday morning on Resolution 878 – the expulsion of House member Representative George Santos.

RINOs and Democrats have been gunning for this since Santos entered Congress.

This is the third time the US House has voted to expel George Santos.

George Santos has not been CONVICTED of a crime. He was indicted by the House Ethics Committee led by Republicans. more

30 Comments on House Votes to Expel Rep. George Santos from House of Representatives

  1. Bannon is calling this McCarthy’s revenge and predicts a wave of indictments against other republican house members in an attempt to take back control and return to corruption as usual.

  2. Bot – Correction: Republicans are all too willing to attack each other while Democrats Goose-Step in lockstep. Remember its the democRAT National Socialists Party.

  3. Here is the list of ALL members expelled from the House. Santos is only the sixth, the previous five were Dems.
    Three expelled in 1861 for supporting the Confederate rebellion.
    One in 1980 and one in 2002, after being CONVICTED of bribery.
    And now Santos, for lying.
    Fricken’ GOP, intentionally shooting themselves in the foot. No way will a Dem ever get elected in Santos’ district in NY.,_censured,_or_reprimanded

  4. Sorry, correction to last statement: No way will a Republican ever get elected in Santos’ district. His outlandish campaign was the only chance to get a GOP in there.

  5. Supposedly Santos siphoned off campaign funds for personal use, lied to people, took advantage of his office and frequently engaged in loony behavior. In other words, he acted like a typical Congress critter.

    It probably would have been easier to just expel 435 members of Congress.

  6. Oh, I like this game. What did Santos do that is so awful that he gets kicked out?
    Did he marry his brother?
    Did he run a male prostitution ring from his office?
    Did he abuse the franking privileges?
    Did he get sucked off by a White House intern?
    Did he leave his cocaine in the White House?
    Did he use a bajillion different email aliases?
    We’ve got a lot of crap to clear out of DC. Sorry, I couldn’t recall all the upstanding behavior from DC insiders.

  7. Were “E Rusbo” alive; hed say, “I told ya o!”!

    Over 6 dozen “Bush Republicans” showed clearly they are Democrats!

    1998 “Bush Republicans ARE DEMOCRATS!”! WAS RIGHT 25 YEARS AGO; RIGHT TODAY!

    Only bdif between a Bush Republicn and a Dem is letter after name!

  8. Santos is a complete fraud, slick-talking conman and liar. An astounding amount of lies. Literally nothing he’s ever said about: his family, his background, his education, his work isn’t fiction. That’s in addition to hundreds of examples of financial fraud — in both Brazil and the U.S.

    Yeah he might be a “Republican” today, but tomorrow he very well go back to being a Lula-supporting commie drag queen. He is that fake.

  9. He should have been smart enough to hire about 10 family members (and assorted relatives) and pay them $1,000.00 per day of donor money to provide security and PR for him (10% for the big guy)!

  10. What did he do? They are called crimes & his dumbass was not good at it, credit card fraud, bank fraud, stealing from his own & others campaign funds for personal use. Stealing coke & candy from his local 7-11, (joke maybe). He is a known thief of cash & credit theft. Biggest thing he is a greasy greedy swindler who was not good at it & was caught rather quickly. Doing 5 to 10 in a federal pen in his future.

  11. BTW, Gov Hochul has announced that she will select a replacement.
    She said that in following the will of the people she will select a Republican.
    Hahahahhaahaha she obviously will not do that.

  12. If the NY Governor thinks she can appoint a replacement, she needs to check out that pesky Constitution. A governor can replace a senator, but a representative in the House of Representatives can only be replaced by a special election.

  13. Georgie Porgie just got caught with his pudgy hand in the cookie jar. He couldn’t contain his queer “fabulousness” (yikes!). It did him in.
    He was supposed to hide the off the books spending of taxpayer funds. He must have thought this was normal for a congress “person” and his colleagues would cover for him.

    Plus some Republicans, who know that kicking him out of Congress without being convicted of a crime or at the request of his constituents sets a bad presedence. Something Demoncrats can’t wait to use against another Republican. Oh yeah, he had to go!-sarc

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