House votes YES on Secure Border Act in 219-213 vote – IOTW Report

House votes YES on Secure Border Act in 219-213 vote


BREAKING: House votes YES on Secure Border Act in 219-213 vote, includes e-Verify requirement, with 2 Republicans joining Democrats to vote against border security

On Thursday, House Representatives debated the Secure the Border Act of 2023 as Title 42 expired at the southern border, which lays out sweeping new requirements and restrictions for securing the southern border.

The bill passed 219-213. Two Republicans, Reps. Thomas Massie and John Duarte voted along side all Democrat members against the bill.

The bill calls for the “immediate resumption of border wall construction” no later than seven days after the bill is enacted, using previously set aside funds and materials for its construction.

No later than 180 days after the bill is enacted, a report shall be submitted to congressional committees that outlines a strategic 5-year technology investment plan for border security, including potential upgrades in security technology, communications equipment, screening equipment, incorporating in input from the private sector.

In an effort to retain Border Patrol personnel, the bill will authorize up to $100,000,000 in appropriated funds for the Commissioner of the US Customs and Border Protection to give to front-line agents who hold a position equal to or below level GS-12, has been with Border Patrol for five years or longer, and commits two additional years of service with Border Patrol upon acceptance of the bonus.

The bill also requires that the Commissioner hire and train enough Border Patrol agents to maintain an active duty presence of no less than 22,000 full-time agents.

The bill also includes a provision prohibiting the requirement to take a Covid-19 vaccine or adverse actions taken against a Department of Homeland Security employee. MORE

15 Comments on House votes YES on Secure Border Act in 219-213 vote

  1. Thomas Massie voted against this due to E-verify concerns.
    Saying they would be used like covid mandates.

    “Republicans are about to make a huge mistake,” Massie tweeted. “Biden forced millions of Americans to take VACCINES by threatening their JOBS, and turning EMPLOYERS into enforcers. Imagine giving Biden the ultimate on/off switch for EMPLOYMENT called E-verify. Might as well call it V-verify.”

  2. LocoBlancoSaltine … It isn’t like the government would exploit laws just to impose tyranny upon We the People… I mean, c’mon… this is America.
    Everything I know about government, I learned from Randy Weaver.

  3. more postering to keep the masses from realizing that they’re being played by ‘both’ sides of the same coin

    do you really think the ball is being moved forward? … seriously???

    why do I feel like we’re living the Old Testament? how much more will we endure? when will we wake up?

  4. Border security should have been taken care of as soon as the R’s took over the House.
    This is more theater.
    And where is Abbott?
    Why isn’t he having the Nat’l Guard block all the border entrances?
    And why did it take a FL Fed Court to stop the illegals from being let go with no court date?

  5. I used e-Verify successfully (and a lot!) about 12 years ago when I worked for a food manufacturer where most jobs were minimum wage. All it did was compare the I-9 information that a new employee has to provide anyway, and if the result was anything other than fine we would tell the applicant so they could provide additional proof of employability. And they would always smile and walk away. Police or INS notification was not part of the process.
    I don’t know what the new bill does with e-Verify. If all it does is require it I don’t think it’s a problem. If they change how it works, it could be a problem. I generally trust Massie though.


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