House Weaponization Panel Gets IRS To End ‘Abusive’ Surprise Visits – IOTW Report

House Weaponization Panel Gets IRS To End ‘Abusive’ Surprise Visits

Zero Hedge– House Republicans on the GOP’s “weaponization” subcommittee said in a Friday report that the IRS has agreed to end its “abusive” policy of surprise visits to taxpayers’ homes following pressure from the panel.

“The Committee’s and Select Subcommittee’s oversight revealed, and led to the swift end of, the IRS’s weaponization of unannounced field visits to harass, intimidate, and target taxpayers,” reads the report. “Taxpayers can now rest assured the IRS will not come knocking without providing prior notice—something that should have been the IRS’s practice all along.” more

6 Comments on House Weaponization Panel Gets IRS To End ‘Abusive’ Surprise Visits

  1. I don’t get it. The IRS’ surprise visits were conducted to harass and make us fearful of them — like East German Stasi goons, and like the Stasi before them they were one of the biggest enforcement arms of the Democratic Republic (party in power) of East Germany.

    “The Stasi kept almost unimaginably detailed files and records on large quantities of the population, and created an atmosphere of fear and unease that they then proceeded to exploit.” ~ Wikipedia (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know)

    This is what happens when the Administrative Deep State is able to do whatever it wants under the cover of so-called “policies, procedures, and standards” instead of according to enacted law.

    It’s just not good enough that congressional oversight declares a victory over “Please don’t hurt us so much, Mr. IRS Man.” This is why Lerner et al didn’t go to jail when she and everyone involved should have! This is why no one ever goes to jail, or even loses their pension!

  2. I keep hearing about fraudsters calling people and claiming to be from the IRS, and using threats in order to get personal info. And the IRS repeats ad nauseam that it does not call taxpayers, and all of their communications are done by mail.

    Thus, one would think that it if phone calls by the IRS are not allowed, ostensibly because of the potential for misrepresentation, then the disallowing of personal visits by IRS agents at the homes of taxpayers would be a no-brainer. The IRS does not conduct audits in your kitchen, and they should never conduct any other official business outside of their offices. The IRS can only intimidate and charge from a distance. There are other Feds tasked with providing force.

    It’s a good thing this bad idea was discontinued; otherwise home invaders claiming to represent the IRS would be a regular occurrence. Eventually, a real IRS agent would be shot, and then everybody else would be made to pay for the results of IRS overreach.

  3. Got audited last year, got letter first then agent called told me what day he and another agent would be at my home. I said my husband can’t be here cause he’s out of state. The guy said my husband didn’t have to be there. They came and stayed from 8-4:30. Their intimidation was intense about 10:00 I actually started crying. It was so many questions I was a nervous wreck. And it all ended with our taxes being correct. Didn’t get money back and no more owed. I’ll never forget that day as long as I live.


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