Houston man arrested by U.S. Marshals for not paying $1,500 student loan from 1987 – IOTW Report

Houston man arrested by U.S. Marshals for not paying $1,500 student loan from 1987

NYDN: […] “I say, ‘What is this all about?'” Aker told The News. “They say, ‘Shut up, you know what this is all about.’ I don’t have a clue.”

When Aker continued to ask, they continued to say “you know what this is all about,” he said.

Eventually he was told it was about a 30-year-old student loan.

“You could have sent me a letter. You could have called me,” Aker said.

The U.S. Marshals said later in court that they had the firepower because Aker had a gun, but he disputes that.

“But you were already at my door,” he said. “It was because they knew I was a registered gun owner.

“It’s out of control. Out of control,” he continued. What if they had seen a gun on me? They would have shot me for 1,500 bucks.”  more

18 Comments on Houston man arrested by U.S. Marshals for not paying $1,500 student loan from 1987

  1. This should equal out (make fair) the ratio of whites, latinos and blacks in prison.

    with obama pardoning all the drug dealers, gang bangers, terrorists and pimps we’re gonna have to fill those cells by using them as a student loan debtor’s prison. Otherwise we would have to lay off Union prison guards.

  2. I would have started crying and sobbing “I didn’t mean to kill her
    but she drove me to it. She never would shut up always talking. Talking.
    I tell you I couldn’t take it anymore. So I killed her. I had too.
    Don’t you see I had too”

  3. This has been a test.
    Raids on gun owners for other reasons, then they have your guns.
    Good luck getting them back, if you aren’t shanked in jail.
    The founding Fathers would be in a shootin’ war by now.

  4. When a judge issues an arrest warrant because you ignored prior orders (not order, but orders) of the court to appear, and in telephone conversations with the Marshals asking you to come to court, you mention your’re armed, don’t expect them to ignore you or worse, bring enough firepower to ensure you don’t get out alive if you’re stupid enough to show a weapon.
    I’d be surprised if all of this weren’t taped just to CYA the government.


  5. Hard to believe some of these comments.

    How anyone can read this and say, well he’s getting an education, is inconceivable to me.

    If not a fucking thing else, it was applying far more force then remotely necessary. 7 SWAT guys stacked up to collect a 30 year old student loan debt? And this was the first contact? For $1500?

    What’s equally disturbing is that there apparently are American men that are just fine and dandy to SWAT up and roll on some guy with a $1500 student loan debt. It says to me that when the call comes down for confiscation, civil war will erupt.

    I have guns

    You don’t want me to have them.

    I’m not going to give them up.

    Your move and if you come onto my property with raised weapons…well I miss my mom and won’t mind seeing her again.

  6. Ahhh thank you Govlawyer-yes thats quite a bit different. Telling federal officers you have a gun isn’t the smartest thing to do.

    And I see they did make several attempts to get this worked including a phone call.

    My mistake.

  7. Obama’s plan is to get everybody riled up because a man owing a $1500 student loan was arrested! The dirty weasel can then take the high road and say the citizens don’t want the government to collect student loans so by executive order they are all forgiven!

  8. “It was because they knew I was a registered gun owner.”

    There you have it folks. Same thing with Conceal Carry “permits”. It’s a list that will be used by the very people who want to see you disarmed.

    The Constitution has no registration requirement. Those kind of things always come from tyrants and dictators.

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