Houston man catches fish in flooded house – IOTW Report

Houston man catches fish in flooded house

“We’re glad that this video brought some humor during such a dark time for Houston and surrounding areas.”
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8 Comments on Houston man catches fish in flooded house

  1. Funny, but like swimming in an unflushed toilet. Especially because there’s no means to shower afterward. But, he did provide a laugh and as a bonus he’s kept the houseflies from bothering the others living there.

  2. Attack boats, I presume, or did you walk both sides of street? I’m a Navy doc attached to USMC x ~10 yrs, retired about 1 1/2 mos ago but did some time in clinics at Kings Bay, Subase PH and a tour on Dixon plus I stayed at a Holiday Inn. Makes me an honorary bubblehead. What’s your story? Contractor? Just like Guam? I certainly did and would be happy to go to pasture there and spend some time blowing bubbles and combing the reefs.

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