Houston Methodist Registered Nurse Jennifer Bridges Exposes the Hospital’s Appalling, Fatal Behavior – IOTW Report

Houston Methodist Registered Nurse Jennifer Bridges Exposes the Hospital’s Appalling, Fatal Behavior

Geller Report: I don’t blame the hospitals as much as I blame the government who took over the medical establishment under Obamacare.

“I’ve seen text messages, I’ve seen emails where Methodist Hospital threatened their doctors. You cannot sign medical exemptions. You cannot report adverse reactions to these vaccines…” MORE

15 Comments on Houston Methodist Registered Nurse Jennifer Bridges Exposes the Hospital’s Appalling, Fatal Behavior

  1. I think I had a test at one of those hospitals but generally I do not go to any of them.

    I guess preserving a revenue stream is more important than looking after the best health interest of patients.

  2. well ain’t you the nice person, not blaming the hospitals….


    they knew better….all of them KNEW BETTER…

    and they went along with killing people…..

    how do you NOT blame them????

  3. Pelousy and biden should be in the wood chipper right after oBola!!!!!!!!

    It is a big f…in deal. And those three deserve the most credit. Then fry ALL the legislators who bent over, screwing America. Damn them all to HELL.

  4. Looks like all of us “tin-foil hat” types were correct about this all along.

    Covid is the fear propaganda.
    The jab is the bio weapon.

    Now, since Covid is losing steam the next bullshit propaganda piece will be Ebola or something like it. Because Covid didn’t allow for the deaths of enough people. They need something with an 85% death rate.

    Doubt me.

  5. ps….i have not been to a doctor since february 2020…..i get what i need from canadian pharmacies, diagnose and treat myself as i always have – used to tell my doctor what the diagnosis was, and in the oldentimes, he would listen – now i have a new doctor who won’t prescribe antibiotics…..why should i donate to her bank account?

    this is all bill gates’ depopulation program…..it’s too late to stop it……have fun….don’t worry, be happy….enjoy what time you have left, especially if you are vaxxed……and don’t espect grandchildren, cause they are not going to be born…..

    there’s not going to be enough young people to take care of us boomers…..who’s going to bring me firewood, frinstance…..

    i hate democrats.

  6. Anonymous, I fell out of the medical shit in about 2013. I had gut problems that were not so bad, but then bad, but then nearing suicide after about 9 months. I scheduled a doc appointment, but had to wait weeks for the appointment… got a fucking ear infection and took my own drugs. Finally got the appointment and told him my gut problems were gone… but I wanted to hear what he had to say.

    He cussed me out.

    “I went to school for 12 years for you to dose yourself!”

    “It worked, you fucking musloid scumbag!”

    Then I was kicked out.

  7. chuckie March 2, 2023 at 10:41 pm

    Read past the third word before you post.

    It says:”I don’t blame the hospitals as much as I blame the government..”

    It Doesn’t say : “I don’t blame the hospitals.” unless you take it out of context.

  8. By the way, gubmint intrusion into your relationship with your physician began looooong before the disastrous obolacare! See medicare….. and how it sets parameters for private medical insurance.
    FJB and the phuking intrusive gubmint!

  9. Hospitals are not run by doctors as they used to be. They are run by credentialed hospital administrators who work for publicly traded healthcare corporations.

  10. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    My old Nurse Practitioner calls it the corporatization of medicine.
    The hospitals also lie on death certificates for that $39,000 death bounty.
    Ron Johnson is the only GOP Senator worth anything.

  11. Yes, the hospitals are guilty for becoming profit centers run by bean counters and the doctors are guilty for not speaking out through fear of losing their jobs / licenses. However, never forget that the government brought all this about through their intentional, evil and agenda driven policies and their incessant lust for power and control. There is simply no concern for American citizens among the political class. We are nothing more than statistics and our lives mean nothing to these self-serving criminals. What’s most infuriating is the fact that it’s all intentional. It doesn’t have to be this way. Actual people are responsible for the destruction of our once great nation which is their ultimate goal.

  12. I blame the Dr’s, the hospital admins, the nurses, the government, and everything and everyone in between.

    This scam WOULD NOT HAVE WORKED unless there were enough selfish jackasses in the middle that chose their own livelihood over the health and welfare of the patients.

    So much for the hypocratic oath – “Do No Harm” my ass.

    Satan has made a hospital just for them in hell – where they will be perpetual patients. I can’t be soon enough to populate Hell with these bastards.

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