Houston Police evidence room infested with ‘drug-addicted’ rats to be cleared out – IOTW Report

Houston Police evidence room infested with ‘drug-addicted’ rats to be cleared out

CHRON: “We got 400,000 pounds of marijuana in storage that the rats are the only ones enjoying,” the Houston mayor said.

Houston, we have a rat problem. The Houston police property warehouse, where thousands of pounds of drugs, blood samples and countless pieces of evidence have been collected at crime scenes, is now in desperate need of a clean-up as it has been attracting rodents for years. more

17 Comments on Houston Police evidence room infested with ‘drug-addicted’ rats to be cleared out

  1. If it is rats, it will be obvious.

    At the very least, with any long term access they have to something they are eating, there will be rat droppings everywhere. If it’s short term, you may only have the chew damage to notice at first.

    Rats will eat pot seeds. Just like they like bird seed people put out. I just worked the worst rat infestation I’ve seen in Dallas in the last 25 years. All because a kind sweet-hearted octogenarian lady had 3 bird feeders they were raiding for a few years. She didn’t want me to kill them, but still get rid of them. That request was ignored. She’s a tenant. ‘Nuff said.

    Some people ARE the problem.

  2. I have never heard of calling Cops who steal drugs “Rats”.
    2025 will be an epic year in Houston.

    Rats, I guess that’s one way to cover up loss of evidence.
    The other word would be incompetence of dealing with a decades old problem. But who am I to Judge?

  3. I remember a time when Dallas burned all the pot they had but didn’t need as evidence any more.

    Scores of pot heads stood on a nearby bridge downwind of it. Breathing deeply, I might add.

  4. Retained after conviction and even after release from prison? It would seem obvious that there is a disposal requirement not being met. Not to mention an evidence storage xhain of custody issue.

    Brings to mind a Cheech & Chong skit, they’d “be smokin Doberman.”

  5. I don’t remember hearing about Houston being this diseased until after Katrina. Maybe it was before that, I don’t know. Or maybe it was ten years before that, when Sheila Jackson Lee went to Congress, although she was probably just a symptom. Hut it is sad to see Houston become the Atlanta of Texas.


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