How 31 Republicans Just Betrayed The Country To Reward Illegal Immigration, Worsen Inflation, And Pay Off Democrats’ Donors – IOTW Report

How 31 Republicans Just Betrayed The Country To Reward Illegal Immigration, Worsen Inflation, And Pay Off Democrats’ Donors

Federalist – At nearly midnight on Friday, 13 House Republicans gave Speaker Nancy Pelosi the votes she needed to pass the so-called “bipartisan infrastructure bill” — colloquially known in DC as the BIF. In doing so, these House Republicans, among them two members of the House GOP leadership team, all but guaranteed House passage of Joe Biden’s hotly partisan, $2 trillion reconciliation bill, which represents the largest cradle-to-grave expansion of federal power since the New Deal.

Over at National Review, Philip Klein called the move by these 13 Republicans “political malpractice,” and a “betrayal.” He’s right, particularly on the first point. 

Republicans who supported the bill predictably justified their vote as one for “roads and bridges,” pointing to the benefits that the bill’s largest provisions — like the $47 billion in climate funding and the $66 billion for the failing Amtrak system, provided without any reform — will ostensibly bring to their districts. 

As Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) told The Hill, “I thought it was good for our district, I thought it was good for our country.” Meanwhile, left-of-center commentator Andrew Sullivan huffed about the “fanatical tribalism” being applied to a bill about infrastructure.

That the BIF was a bill solely focused on infrastructure may have been true at the bill’s conception. But for months, a single and unavoidable political reality has been obvious: the substance of the bill hardly mattered. Rather, the infrastructure bill was but a chit, a chess piece, in forcing through passage of the larger, hotly partisan reconciliation legislation. Their fates were linked; one would not pass without the other. 

This was a choice made very clearly, and very openly, by congressional Democrats. In June, Pelosi stated, “There ain’t gonna be no bipartisan bill, unless we have a reconciliation bill,” a sentiment she reiterated in October when she confirmed “the bipartisan infrastructure bill will pass once we have agreement on the reconciliation bill.” 

House Progressives made the linkage of the two bills central to their strategy of leveraging concessions in the reconciliation legislation, refusing to provide votes for the BIF until their reconciliation demands were met (six of them ended up refusing to support passage the BIF, paving the way for House Republicans to be the deciding votes). more

24 Comments on How 31 Republicans Just Betrayed The Country To Reward Illegal Immigration, Worsen Inflation, And Pay Off Democrats’ Donors

  1. Those 13 GOP assholes not only pushed this shitty bill over. They could’ve held out and forced The (cunt) Squad to vote for it, thereby doing political damage to them. But the GOP are like the Palestinians. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. Stupid, worthless slimy fucks.

  2. When everything comes crashing down, it’s going to be epic. Like a 1,000x the Statue of Liberty scene in Planet of the Apes.

    Being a silver lining kind of guy, at least the KlownKar show in DC will be over.

  3. I called them all. Couldn’t get through to 3 or 4 of them.
    I even cried for Kinzinger.
    Not that they’ll care but I did my part.
    I told them all I hope they’re happy with whatever they were promised so they can enjoy it while they watch the country go down in flames thanks to them.

  4. There are a lot of Real Republicans in America, but not one of them is in the Federal Government. The “Republicans” we hear about and vote for are Progressive Communists posing as Republicans. No real Republican is within a mile of any power, or has an ounce of authority. Hoping they will rescue us is silly. They are NOT us, and don’t give a shit about us.

  5. I haven’t been able to confirm it, but in the Bipartisan Screw the American people bill is supposedly a tax on cows. $2,500.00 per for ranchers and $6,500.00 for dairy. I hope it’s bull shit, but it’s all over GAB and IG. If true forget about eating steak, using butter or drinking milk. They hate cows.

  6. “I’m with Ted Cruz now. Texas will leave – and should leave.

    The problem with that is, Lockheed, Raytheon, General Dynamics, etc will all pull up stakes and move to America. As a matter of fact so will South West airlines. That would be the tip of the iceberg.

  7. Ted Cruz never came back from Cancan, still down there. Texas leave, funny comment but will never happen. You can all take back Detroit though or move there with your bro’s.

  8. The message I sent to my rep and one senator: Thanks for showing your true colors and pointing out that there is no lesser of two evils.

    The message to my other senator wasn’t quite so nice.

  9. It shows that the pols are in it for their own enrichment. America doesn’t need or want this garbage. The pols want it to help themselves, as it will lead to some sort of legal bribery that will be thrown their way.

  10. The GOP is infested with scum, starting at the top: GOP chairwoman Rhonda Romney, McConnell, Graham, etc. etc. etc.

    Until they’re purged – starting with that useful idiot GOP Chairwoman – the GOP can’t be trusted. AT ALL.

  11. My plan looks better all the time:

    10M conservatives move to Canada.
    With a little over 38M people in Canada, and probably at least half being conservative, WE OWN IT.
    We vote in our own Constitution with some real teeth to stop people from straying from it.
    Our country does well under it’s new conservative leadership.
    The flyover states to our south notice, and ask to join us, making a new country from the Gulf of Mexico to the Arctic Ocean.
    This leaves the liberal coastal elites to fend for themselves.
    All is good…..except for Quebec.
    FUCK Quebec.
    Send them back to France.

  12. ^ And you bring your weapons with you… how? No way would I knowingly step into a gun-restricted, socialist country like Canada to live because I already live in a socialist country (USSA) but with a 2nd Amendment still intact!

    So, ah, how about an invasion, instead? 🙂

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