How a Coal Mine Dig Unearthed a Prehistoric Mega-Snake – IOTW Report

How a Coal Mine Dig Unearthed a Prehistoric Mega-Snake

Most people have never heard of the Cerrejón coal mine, located in Colombia.
The mine pumps out over 30 million tons of coal each year, and it’s also become a critical site for scientists.
In fact, the coal mine ranks as one of the best fossil sites in the world, providing a window into a tropical rain forest from 60 million years ago.

Scientists almost missed the fossils at Cerrejón – until an undergraduate noticed a surprising number of sandstone impressions of fossil leaves. His discovery led to an expedition that found multiple new species, including the largest snake in history.

17 Comments on How a Coal Mine Dig Unearthed a Prehistoric Mega-Snake

  1. This coal mine is destroying the climate. It is a shame that Columbia has to stoop to such a dirty source of power when they could so easily switch to clean electric power

  2. When I was a kid in Michigan there were some areas that had a lot of fossils. We went there a few times to see what we could find, and it was always a good day. I still have some of those fossils.

  3. ” His discovery led to an expedition that found multiple new species, including the largest snake ”

    All these new species they’re finding, are they endangered?

  4. I do not have problems with snakes. I have gardner snakes in my area, I have walked into ancient buildings in Myanmar where cobras are known to inhabit, without flinching. Mega-snakes? I am out of here


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