How Marc Elias, a top Democrat lawyer undermined both sides’ confidence in U.S. elections – IOTW Report

How Marc Elias, a top Democrat lawyer undermined both sides’ confidence in U.S. elections


Following the 2016 presidential election, a broad swath of Democratic voters, surrogates and lawmakers denied the legitimacy of the outcome, arguing Donald Trump’s victory was rigged.

Following the 2020 presidential election, a broad swath of Republican voters and elected officials, including Trump, argued Joe Biden’s victory was rigged and illegitimate.

In each case, a significant segment of the electorate lost confidence in the integrity of U.S. elections. In each case, the same man was at the center of that erosion of public trust: the Democrats’ top election lawyer.

Marc Elias was a central figure in both the Russia collusion hoax, which cast doubt on Trump’s victory in 2016, and the effort to upend the nation’s voting laws in unprecedented ways, which cast doubt on Biden’s victory in 2020.

“The legal mastermind probably most responsible for the leftist push to subvert our democracy, overturn elections, and destroy election integrity is Marc E. Elias,” wrote John Fund and Hans von Spakovsky in their 2021 book “Our Broken Elections.” He “has grown astoundingly wealthy representing Democratic candidates, political action committees, and party organizations” and “seems to have a monopoly on the Democratic political machine.” more

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