How About I Trade You My Black Hole For Your Star and Declare Victory? – IOTW Report

How About I Trade You My Black Hole For Your Star and Declare Victory?


Well this is interesting, in a rather bleak way:

A supernova-like explosion dubbed “the Camel” appears to be the result of a newborn black hole eating a star from the inside out. MORE

20 Comments on How About I Trade You My Black Hole For Your Star and Declare Victory?

  1. Secession is our only hope. America is gone, we have to face that. We can still live great lives, if we get away from the leftist hellhole our country has become and will always be. It’s impossible to rescue, and it it will only get worse.

  2. Yes , yes, secession. The plan by which we vote ourselves into isolation.

    Run away from the problems instead of facing them. Give up on America and trade it for the proud nation of Delaware.

    It’ll be a breeze. Just get everyone to vote the way you want them to.

    Why, I bet we have a long and proud history of successful examples of secession we can point to with pride and say, ‘that’s how it’s done.’

    I personally, will be happy to negotiate ocean trade rights on behalf of the land locked country of Oklahoma.


    Soon everyone will secede from everyone else and we’ll all be in tepees surrounded by barbed wire pointing buffalo rifles at each other.

    Then at long last, the dream of the founding fathers will be realized.

  3. “Soon everyone will secede from everyone else and we’ll all be in tepees surrounded by barbed wire pointing buffalo rifles at each other.”

    More or less the model of Ireland before the Danish conquest.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “Soon everyone will secede from everyone else ”

    And then who funds the Military? Do we have a Military? Who protects all these individual counties against China or Russia or Mexico or Texas for that matter

  5. At sometime past midnight, the nation of Neighboropolis deliberately and unprovoked, began firing across the border into Burritania.

    Since 5:30 am, we have been firing back.

    After we annex Neighboropolis, we’ll finally have some living space for all the industrious and hard working citizens of Burritania.

    It’s the same old game with all new and exciting players!

    SECESSION! by Milton Bradley


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