How About We Voodon’t. – IOTW Report

17 Comments on How About We Voodon’t.

  1. Lefty will just say she’s a shill for the right. All, each and every illegal alien ought be deposited on the lawns of -and in the gated communities of- politicians who voted for this, people who voted for these politicians and especially people who profit from illegal alien movement and settlement.

  2. I think the media chose poorly in pouncing on this to own Trump. There is a Streisand Effect coming, and in the next month, we will fond out that there are hundreds of Springfields and Auroras across America. In spite of the media trying to hide it, and in spite of bought-off local governments trying to downplay it.

    I will say it again: Trump is hammering the border/immigration scandal, and he is right to do so because it is the root of most of our problems. It is also why they will cheat, jail or kill him if they can.

    It is also why they keep harping on J6 and Fine People. Those are pathetic lies, but they have nothing else they can talk about without drawing attention to how badly Biden/HARRIS sucks at actual governance.

    It’s also why their slogan is “A New Way Forward” instead of “What Had Happened Was…”

  3. Her estranged father probably came here legally, and assimilated into the America.
    Those immigrants that have done so, are not the problem.
    Wanna bet she’s on welfare, with X number of kids, all with different fathers.
    Their version of the American Dream is living on welfare, their whole life.
    Not working, saving money, buying a house, building something for the future.

  4. Import the turd world. Become the turd world.

    Just listen to how conflicted she is, because she knows importing Voodoo practicing Haitians is a really bad idea, but she can’t give up on trashing whitey, even when whitey has a legit point.

    And what’s amazing is that those Haitians were shipped in to work at a local factory, which went out of its way not to advertise those jobs to US citizens. My last Uber driver moved from Chicago to Texas to look for work. Bet she’d be happy to move to Ohio for a decent job with health benefits. But what do you want to bet that factory in Springfield wants to pay rock bottom wages with no benefits? Easy to do with illegal labor.

  5. There’s been a flurry of videos from other Springfield citizens talking about Haitians practicing Voodoo and animal sacrifices for Good Juju. They had the same problems when Haitians came to Florida, I think in the 70s. People’s pets starting to go missing. It is part of their culture.

    Sort of the same topic but I just wonder. In Bangor Maine there is an epidemic of Cats missing. People are perplexed as to why. The Local News even got involved actually reporting on this.
    So I did a little search and found that there is a Haitian community in Bangor Maine. Perhaps they too got some recent transplants of Haitians and this is happening up in Maine too?

  6. I just saw on CNN where they sent a reporter to interview residents of Springfield about the rumors that Haitians are stealing and killing pets and capturing ducks and geese for food.

    Who did the reporter interview? A Haitian who runs the Haitian Community Center. Not any of the townspeople who claimed the Haitians were stealing and killing pets.

    CNN is evil.

  7. Employers are setting up the equivalent of sheltered workshops for these refugees. Refugees are often resettled to remote areas with one major employer (essentially, company towns). They work where they are told to work and know that if they make a fuss, they could lose what they have.

    Often, all tiers of government are complicit and work diligently to protect the status quo, even to the point of aggressively harassing anyone who complains.

    This is the worst form of corporate welfare. It destroys the lives and livelihoods of these local communities by replacing moderately paid workers with poorly paid workers who are a far greater burden on community resources than they return to the community.

    Worse, the number of unemployed refugees that accompany those who are working is huge. This puts further strain on local resources in communities that have historically been struggling working class (working poor).

  8. The people of Haiti don’t want to be bothered growing their own food or anything that takes effort.
    The missionaries need to stop bringing food and start teaching them and if they don’t want to learn or get off their butts, leave and don’t go back.
    They’re such lowlifes no other island wants or will take them and the DR has built a fence to keep them off their half of Hispanola.

  9. How many professional baseball players come from Haiti, probably none. While the Dominican Republic on the other side of the island of Hispanola has lots of professional baseball players. It’s no wonder the DR doesn’t want anything to do with Haiti because Haiti sucks.

  10. This beautiful, intelligent woman is making some excellent points about the Voodoo culture of Haiti. She’s obviously of mixed race and seems to have no interest in disparage her European heritage.

    She has a heart for her father’s people even though they’re barbaric, demonic behavior dominates Haiti. She’s acknowledging it.

    Don’t blame this woman for highlighting the true nature of people so depraved they seek spiritual power of a satanic religion, instead of seeking life saving/changing grace and mercy through Christ.

    She’s right – Haitians do need prayer, but they don’t belong in the United States in their current destructive, evil condition. A condition the Biden Administration is well aware of and weaponized against multi-generational American citizens in cities and towns all over the United States.

    Cut her some slack. This woman is not denying the damage hordes of Haitian illegals are doing to American communities. Her fair-minded approach may be colored by her genetic connection but she is actually speaking the truth.

  11. Haiti is the result of a slave rebellion which led to the slaughter of the people who enslaved them. Consequently, white civilizations boycotted the nation and let them wither in their hatred and backwardness

    A certain passage in the Bible say it all .. “Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord” … because vengeance taking poisons the human mind. It always back fires

  12. Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, the little dog laughed to see such sport, and the dish ran away with the spoon. If this had been a Haitian nursery rhyme the Haitians would’ve eaten the cat playing the fiddle, caught the cow before it could jump over the moon and butchered it, poor little dog would’ve met the same fate as the cat, and they wouldn’t have used a dish and a spoon to eat all of the critters. And they probably would have said some voodoo mumbo jumbo over them while eating all the animals.


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