“How Are We Supposed To Live?” – IOTW Report

“How Are We Supposed To Live?”

Political Outcast

Michigan Workers Discover Obamacare Means Impoverishment.

The 41 employees of Extreme Dodge in Jackson, Mich., are very familiar with trade-ins, but this year they’re learning about trade-offs as they come face to face with the new realities of health care. A few workers say they’re getting a great deal, but most have a severe case of sticker shock.

“I feel like I’ve been taken to the cleaners,” said Neal Campbell, a salesman.

The news was presented at the company’s annual benefits meeting earlier this month, when employees were told that the health insurance plan that the auto dealership had provided its workers was canceled because it doesn’t comply with the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. 

Rather than officially sponsor a new policy, the company – voted one of the 100 best car dealerships to work for in the country last year – will instead provide its employees with $2,400 apiece to buy their own insurance, or to pocket and pay the new federal penalty if they elect to go without it.



18 Comments on “How Are We Supposed To Live?”

  1. Average union guy “I thought if I elect a Democrat everything would be great.”
    And the REAL employee mandate hasn’t kickd in yet. That will literally DESTROY our country’s medical care system.

  2. At the risk of sounding harsh – Fuck them and every other Democrat voter who is just now figuring out that the goodies has to paid for, and the voters are holding the tab.


  3. At the risk of sounding harsh – Fuck them and every other Democrat voter who is just now figuring out that the goodies have to paid for, and the voters are holding the tab.


  4. In answer to her question…

    “She’s supposed to barely survive.
    She’s supposed to give up all hope of saving for anything or owning anything nice.
    She’s supposed to learn to be desperate, truly desperate, for every promise that the government holds out for poor people—among whom she will soon learn to count herself.
    She is supposed to learn to beg for food stamps, beg for tuition help for her children.
    She’s supposed to get too busy and exhausted to care about Iran or Syria or drones or anything else our political torturers wish to do overseas.
    She’s supposed to learn to submit to ever cop and every checkpoint because only people who can afford lawyers can really push back against unconstitutional encroachments on the part of the government.

    If she owns any firearms, she’ll need to sell them so she can buy more important things. At her new income level, she can’t afford the higher price of “green” ammunition anyway.

    The middle class are a pain to the political class. Obamacare will provide them with relief.”

  5. A big thanks to the white guilt, DemRat Party supporting, pinko people who just feel so bad about their own existence, they wanted to send the very best to all of us. Hallmark should sue, but they’re on board the homo wagon with homo cards for the ‘disenfranchised’.

  6. “The 41 employees of Extreme Dodge in Jackson, Mich., are very familiar with trade-ins…”

    Yeah, y’all got burned on that trade-in, didn’t you? Maybe we can help you get it recalled. Y’all are familiar with recalls, too, right?

  7. I’ll bet that car detailer at the dealership who’ll be getting free subsidized healthcare (paid for by other taxpayors) and will get to pocket the $2400 the company will pay each employee for healthcare won’t be too popular when his coworkers have to pay the double deductibles and double maximum oop. I’d suggest that he keep quiet and keep his head down.

  8. Look at the jobs numbers, 95% of new jobs are part time, employers can full-time people and dump the rest into CommieCare. But the dealership employees shouldn’t worry, it will collapse soon enough and they will all have “free insurance.”

    And die queuing for rationed, substandard care like everyone else.

    Die commies, just fcuking die.

  9. The whole point of Obamacare was to mire the country in legal mumbo jumbo, cause emotional and economical stress and dismay, and to bring about the times of earthly desolation and tribulation.

    I firmly believe it will be up to the people with conservative values to fight this even if it means going to prison, FEMA detention centers, or ultimately the guillotine.

    I also believe that God helps those who help themselves.

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