How Are You Celebrating Earth Hour? – IOTW Report

How Are You Celebrating Earth Hour?

Breitbart: Sydney (AFP) – The Sydney Opera House and the Harbour Bridge were plunged into darkness for an hour Saturday to raise awareness about climate change and its impact on the planet’s vanishing biodiversity.

The 13th edition of Earth Hour, organised by the green group WWF, will see millions of people across 180 countries turn off their lights at 8:30 pm local time to highlight energy use and the need for conservation.

“We are the first generation to know we are destroying the world.  And we could be the last that can do anything about it,” the charity said.

“We have the solutions, we just need our voices to be heard.”

WWF-Australia CEO Dermot O’Gorman told AFP that “Earth hour still is the world’s largest grassroots movement for people to take action on climate change”.

“It’s about individuals taking personal action but joining with hundreds of millions of people around the world to show that not only do we need urgent action on climate change but we need to be protecting our planet,” he added.

Dozens of companies around the world have said they will join in this year’s switch-off.

The event comes after some of the most dire warnings yet on the state of Earth’s natural habitat and species.


40 Comments on How Are You Celebrating Earth Hour?

  1. Crap! Now I’ll have to remember to turn on all the lights in the house as well as the appliances…..
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I’ll probably be getting ready to go bed by 8:30 so who the hell cares. Earth hour, Earth day (founded in 1970) is all politically correct bs anyway. Especially Earth day on April 15th founded by the murderer Ira Einhorn a dirty, filthy hippie who murdered his girlfriend, stuffed her body into a trunk and fled to France. before he finally got caught. And not so coincidently it’s also the birthday of Vladimir Lenin. The left always gets it wrong, we should be worshipping the creator and not the creation.

  3. I had been eating a bar of 72% cacao over the course of a week for few weeks for the supposed benefits to ones overall health. It really made me flatulent and my farts stink to the heavens. So, this week I tried a different brand which is 86% cacao. Apparently, it was not the brand, as the 86% simply makes my farts 14% more stinky. So sniff hardy hippies, I fart in your general direction.

  4. Biden will use the opportunity to grope a litte girl.

    Clinton will steal something.

    Fat Mike Obama will take food from someone’s place.

    Corrpt Cortez will say something stupid in the dark, yet everyone will know who said it by its stupidity.

  5. Welp, there’s a huge pile of wet leaves and a couple fiberglass boats to torch. The neighbor is lurking about a homeless camp right now, hoping to score a dilapidated RV. Hoooo doggies!

  6. The warming cultists have it all wrong. Most of earth’s CO2 has been combined with calcium by various sea life over several hundred million years and is now locked up in the form of limestone and marble. By releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere, man is saving the planet from global extinction.

  7. Cleaning out the effing garage like any OTHER Saturday effing Earth Day!

    Oh and by doing do took all my old electronic crap, wires, cables, etc to the DPW. THEY can have it!

    And occaisonally taking a break to post here at IOTW…that’s how I spent my Earth Day Charlie Brown.

  8. I used to open all the windows, turn the heat up and everything else on, start all the vehicles and let ’em idle, cast bullets and start smoky fires. Now, IDGAS. I’d cast bullets today but it’ll be too dark outside and molten wheel weights are a tad dangerous. F ’em all! Let “Gaia” sort them out…

  9. I seem to recall that Earth Hour used to be everybody turned off their lights for an hour. Now it’s advertised as major landmarks (like the CN Tower here in Toronto) shutting off the lights. I wonder whether this Earth Hour has been mostly a bust all these years and in order to keep the lights on at the WWF they’ve moved the goalpost.

  10. I shot a .45-70 today in honor of the old man.

    I think a spent .45 70 round should be our challenge coin or calling card.
    It has a wonderful report that rolls though the empty hills.

  11. Used to turn-on all the lights for an hour, start fires in the fire pit and BBQ, crank up the stereo to about 85 dB (Rachmaninoff’s Symphony #1 was always appropriate) and pour a tall Scotch on the rocks while randomly blurting out expletives at the Gorebullists (over the top of the stereo, of course, sorry Rachmann).

    Nowadays, I wouldn’t have known about it IOTW hadn’t mentioned it. Don’t much care any more.

    I’ll prolly have a nice glass of cheap Australian wine and read or play my synth. Scotch rots my gut these days.

  12. Yes TN, every day is Earth Day in Venezuela.

    What did the Venezuelans use before candles? Electricity.

    Well, that is if they haven’t already eaten the candles.

  13. Supposing people that have kerosene lamps for camping trips can turn them on. Candles and flashlights too. All that energy comes from the earth, and before that, the sun.

    If they want to get to the root cause, the idiots can try to turn off the sun, but getting there will be the hard part.


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