How asylum seekers are being dealt with in Italy – IOTW Report

How asylum seekers are being dealt with in Italy

BPR: Much as the United States has lost control of the crisis at the open U.S.-Mexico border thanks to progressive policies under President Joe Biden, newly appointed leaders in Italy and the United Kingdom have been left to deal with their own overcrowded facilities while attempting to turn away rescue ships exacerbating the problem.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have been in office for roughly two weeks and both have been tasked with solving the out-of-control illegal alien problems facing their nations. For Meloni, part of the solution came in curbing entry in the first place as her government demanded vessels transporting refugees leave port and bring the aliens to the nation they sail for.

According to the Associated Press, four separate charity-run ships were turned away in some capacity on Sunday as they attempted to offload aliens picked up in the Mediterranean Sea at the port of Catania, Sicily. Sailing under the flag of Germany, the charity organization SOS Humanity had already dropped off 144 rescued travelers, over 100 of which were said to be unaccompanied minors or people with medical emergencies, and had 35 aliens remaining on board as they refused Italian orders to leave port, “until all survivors rescued from distress at sea have been disembarked” more

6 Comments on How asylum seekers are being dealt with in Italy

  1. Didn’t they go after the last leader who tried to stop the invasion? The WEF, Gates, Bilderberg, big biz all want the western world destroyed and use “immigration to do it.


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