How Bad is My Batch? – IOTW Report

How Bad is My Batch?

Nothing to do with cookies… šŸ’‰šŸ’‰šŸ’‰

h/t ToreSaysShow

12 Comments on How Bad is My Batch?

  1. Batches, to god-damned hell with batches! We have no batches. In fact, we don’t need batches. I don’t have to show you any stinking batches, you god-damned cabrĆ³n and Ā”chinga tu madre Tony Fauci!

  2. I saw a Batch web site probably 6 months ago. What’s missing from this one is the location and amount of placebos administered. Placebos were only administered in wealthy white areas. Like where I live. Yes they were still testing n the American population. I was pressured to get the original two by my cancer Doc. So me and the wife did. I know at least 50 peeps that did the same. Nobody even got a sore arm. So maybe by the grace of God. But out of my circle I know several that got the booster. So they could travel to foreign lands. Out of 5 one has been diagnosed with a blood cancer. I dunno.

  3. @MJA: I hope all the jab lawsuits succeed. I think that all money made by the pharmaceuticals be divided up among the jabbed. It won’t cover the deaths and permanent injuries – money can’t fix it.

    You canā€™t sue Pfizer or Moderna if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. The government likely wonā€™t compensate you for damages either

    Under the PREP Act, companies like Pfizer and Moderna have total immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with their vaccines.

    A little-known government program provides benefits to people who can prove they suffered serious injury from a vaccine. That program rarely pays, covering just 29 claims over the last decade.

  4. I see The Prather Point on Rumble. Just put it into my subscribe list.

    I truly do not understand anybody taking the shot. I read Brad’s comments and I personally know a few people who took the shot including my brother. I figured out this C19 “story” was a lie by around mid-Feb 2020. From that point on, I was not going to trust anything coming out of CDC, FDA, etc. My own vascular surgeon suggested the shot to me face to face in his office. I looked at him like he was crazy and brought up VAERS and the that fact that all the animals died and that there were no long term published human trials. I will never fully trust him again. He either did not do his homework or was just regurgitating what the hospital told him.

    I have talked to 3 Christian sisters that I know that took the shot and now regret it. All I can do is pray. So many people were so easily deceived. I will never fully comprehend that.

  5. So why would they be so intent on ā€œdepopulatingā€ the (mostly white) US, while simultaneously allowing in 5 millionā€¦unvaccinatedā€¦illegalā€¦aliensā€¦oh. OH SHIT!


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