How Biden Voters Pretend There’s Nothing Wrong! – IOTW Report

How Biden Voters Pretend There’s Nothing Wrong!

How Biden voters pretend there’s nothing wrong! Desperately trying to have no regrets.
Joe Biden is doing a great job as president.

10 Comments on How Biden Voters Pretend There’s Nothing Wrong!

  1. As long as you don’t acknowledge the fact that he’s a complete failure, Biden is doing a wonderful job. Sounds like every far-left progressive I have ever attempted to have a discussion with.

  2. Hilarious but at the same time…true.

    I’ve been going back & forth with a REgressive I met in Texas about the “vaccine” and no matter what I link to, including studies & data provided by some of the top virologists, doctors & immune system scientists in the world. Even data from the CDC, the DoD and VAERs!!!

    It’s as though Don Le-MON has his hand up their asses, working their lips. No hope for unity, none.

  3. It’s taking every fiber of my being to not contact every Democrat (which are few and far between) I know and rip their ass a new one.
    It won’t matter because their view of DJT is so skewed that I’d be wasting my breath 🫁.

    Bunch of frickin assholes. 🤬

    The only thing we got going is our trust in God. 🕊️❤️🙏🇺🇸

  4. The sneaky and impotent Joe Biden now trying to push ‘the vaxx’ upon those who live in hurricane-vulnerable states, laughably saying ‘the vaxx’ is important during hurricane season. lolol

  5. Failure, my Aunt Fanny.
    He is the most successful POS to occupy that office since Obola for sheer destruction and determination to trample the Constitution, disrupt our economy, import rat-people, murder citizens, and make America a sickening joke around the World.
    They are proud of him for a reason – anyone who voted for the maggot HATES America and all that she stands for – they are not misguided, they are not naive, they are not confused, they are EVIL – each and every one.

    mortem tyrannis

    izlamo delenda est …


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