An iOTWreport “Earth Day” Perennial
Updated version of one of our first posts ever.
How can you do your part on this so-called “Earth Day”? Easy! Any time you get an email today from some business or individual telling you to “go green” for Earth Day or some similar crap, reply to them with this graphic and tell them they’ve earned a subscription to GreeNazi magazine!
I’m doing my part by trolling greenies on YouTube. Heh, they melt sooooo well.
Half a dozen fiberglass boats buried under tires blazing out back.
I lit off my burn pile this morning in honor of gaia worship day!.
It was all organic cuttings, so I wasn’t able to fill the air with nasty chemicals, but it DID make a lot of nice smoke!
The idiocy she approves of is correctly called: “The big green weenie”.
I am sitting in my truck idling in Richmond Capitol district protesting Blackface’s economic shutdown.
Reopen Virginia.
I remember the first earth day as if it were yesterday. I had become our rural high school’s first hippie and was the de facto “leader” of the small group of hippies, being the “cool” guy that played in a band and having been the first to grow long hair and to smoke weed. We skipped class all day and marched around singing and playing our guitars, even composing some ditties. During that day we had several confrontations with the athlete crowd, previous friends which I had alienated by my weirdness. Thing is, we were unaware of the politics (except for being against that shitty Viet Nam War and the draft) instead just following fad and having a good time. Within a few years I learned it was all a leftist manipulation and changed my ways.
I’m doing my part by driving my Dodge 1 ton Turbo Diesel pickup to work today.
Is that today? Crap, I had more important things to do like go to work & sort my socks.
Just want to inform you that the greenie weenies picked LENIN’s Birthday for ‘Earth Day’
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov known as Lenin
Born April 22nd, 1870….
Add to the earth by taking a big, healthy dump outside on the ground.
Supposed to be up near 90 F, so I imagine I’ll wind up whatever I’m doing early and, since we’re on lockdown, go sit in the house with the thermostat cranked waaaay low.
Gee you guys have inspired me. Going to add a couple of quarts of kerosene to my old tractor and let it belch black smoke for a couple hours. Winds up and blowing just gentle enough and not too fast right over toward my SOB neighbor.
Earth day, huh? Maybe I’ll go out and run over a few hippies.
How-to do my part? Learn the real origins and purpose of “Earth Day”.
“Earth Day has never been a celebration of the beauty and bounty of this awesome terrestrial ball. It’s always been an assault on man.”
– Brian Sussman
On April 22, 1970, a trio of radical dreamers established the first Earth Day, an event designed to assault capitalism, free-markets and mankind.
The initial concept was conceived by Senator Gaylord Nelson (D-WS)…Nelson’s teach-in efforts were aided by a young man named Denis Hayes. Hayes was student body president while at Stanford…Rounding out the troika was Professor Paul Ehrlich of Stanford. In 1968 Ehrlich authored the Malthusian missive, The Population Bomb, in which he infamously spouted wild allegations which included equating the earth’s supposed surplus of people with a cancer… In a New York Times article published the morning after the first Earth Day headlined, “Angry Coordinator of Earth Day,” young Hayes bragged that five years earlier he fled overseas because “I had to get away from America.”………
On Earth Day, rather then join in the Marxist falderal [ or folderol; 1. a showy but worthless trifle 2. foolish nonsense] designed to hammer the American way, let’s give thanks for our nation’s abundant resources and dedicate ourselves to electing leaders who will reclaim our natural capital from the stranglehold of regulations, policies and laws that are more in keeping with the tyranny of Marx than the liberty of Madison.”
https://www.briansussman.com/commentary/earth-days-real-history/ .
Does anyone really believe it’s just an odd coincidence that Earth Day is on V.I. Lenin’s birthday, April 22nd?
Uncle Al,
helping them become “one” with Gaia? I like it.
I’ve been planning all month.
On April 1. put out a request for any extra scrap tires to help with my annual, celebratory, Earth Day Tire Fire.
They all thought it was an April fools joke.
Took me another week to convince them it wasn’t, and, WOW, did they come through.
It takes a ridiculous amount of diesel to get the tires lit when they are full of rainwater.
If somebody would like to give me an Earth Day present, I’d like a remotely operated bulldozer. A D-9 Cat would do nicely. I could have a lot of good earthy fun with one of those.
I’m going to turn my air conditioner on and open the windows to help cool the planet.
It is 4 Celsius in Toronto or 39 deg. F in the Fee world.
I have also been burning paper & cardboard garbage because everyone is at home & the Garbage Nazis only take recycling once every 2 weeks.
What am I doing for Earth Day?
Driving to work.
Driving home.
Spreading fertilizer on my lawn (supposed to rain tonight).
Normal ho-hum stuff.
What? I was supposed to do something special? NOW you tell me.
I have the work back door open to enjoy the spring warm and breezes.
I have the thermostat off.
Does that count?
(all of the above is true, but said with tongue firmly in both cheeks)
@Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH B Woodman – Whose cheeks?
(Sometimes I just blurt these things out thoughtlessly and unfairly to those, such as you, who don’t deserve it. Sorry!)
And no, the “coincidence” that today is Lenin’s birthday is no coincidence. It was done to force Westerners to celebrate the founders birthday. As has been said, Greens are like tomatoes, in the end, they are red.
I’m going to sue Ira Einhorn and his ilk for appropriating my esteemed birthday!
I was born on Easter Sunday, April 22, 1962!
Now I get Happy B(Earth)-day wishes.
It totally sucks.
^ You’re a spring chicken, Agatha! Happy Bearthday! 🙂
APRIL 22, 2020 AT 11:54 AM
Half a dozen fiberglass boats buried under tires blazing out back.
I have 125 boats in various stages of building collecting dust & 15,000 gal. of resin congealing in storage. Don’t think I haven’t thought about a small fire. We’re pretty much done in the boat building business. Trump has fucked up big time. He won’t be getting my vote again. Fuck him.
Uncle Al,
Make sure you get the D-9 equipped with rippers on the back, they really make work easier.
My college wingman & I, should be out shooting down a tree. 😎
Only 50 years to go from freezing to burning. The list of false predictions.
“… They would only have to look at 1970, the first Earth day, when the scientists were predicting billions would soon die from starvation because the Earth was cooling rapidly. We were heading into an ice age and we only had a few years left to solve the problem…”
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2020/04/a_science_project_in_celebration_of_the_50th_anniversary_of_earth_day.html .
I spent 5 1/2 hours burning fuel on I20 & I95 this morning…… does THAT count?
If you can find a range that’s open, belching as much cordite into the atmosphere as you possibly can is also acceptable.
Good for the ozone layer or somethng…
Kinda’ more into Mars Day.
Earth is sorta’ played out.
@Aaron Burr:
You make an excellent point. It makes me think that those currently enthusiastic about Earth Day should set their sights on Uranus Day.
(Not yours; each others’.)
LV-246 is the best planet in the galaxy. No one ever gets a woody over that place.