How Convenient: Biden State Dept Says They Will No Longer Publish List of U.S. Weapons Given or Sold to Foreign Countries – IOTW Report

How Convenient: Biden State Dept Says They Will No Longer Publish List of U.S. Weapons Given or Sold to Foreign Countries


Buried inside Section 5114(b)(4) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 was a repeal of 1994 law that required the U.S. State Department to publish an annual list of arms sales to foreign countries.  The “World Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers” report (WMEAT) put sunlight every year on what weapons the U.S. was selling to foreign countries.

Conveniently timed with the $60+ billion aid package to Ukraine, the U.S. State Dept, now says the WMEAT report will not be published any longer.  If a person was to believe the Ukraine arms deals were essentially money laundering operations, well, this announcement by the State Dept. might be interpreted as a way to hide it. more

9 Comments on How Convenient: Biden State Dept Says They Will No Longer Publish List of U.S. Weapons Given or Sold to Foreign Countries

  1. Convenient?
    It has secretly and intentionally written and made law.
    The communist states set the criteria, Biden follows their lead.
    TRANS-parency, only the establishment elite gang of eight, who are swore to secrecy will know.

  2. UNIPARTY protecting Hunter’s partner in Ukraine.
    Uniparty has had Hunter’s back for 13 years; will continue to arm Ukraine for Hunter’s partner in the future.


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