How Cultural Marxists Are Manipulating Black Americans – IOTW Report

How Cultural Marxists Are Manipulating Black Americans

Identity politics has done little to resolve the grievances of minorities in the United States. Rather a group of individuals is pushing socialist policy to manipulate people for political power.

Carol Swain, a political scientist, author, and political commentator, explains the cultural Marxist roots of identity politics, and the harm it has caused black Americans, in a recent interview with The Epoch Times, noting “this socialism that’s on display now, it’s been underground for a long time.”

5 Comments on How Cultural Marxists Are Manipulating Black Americans

  1. [identity politics] NOUN
    a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics.”

    What am I missing? Sounds like anti-, muli-culturalism. Which would be anti-, Cultural Marxism.

  2. Thank you so very much for sharing! I sent it to our young adult daughters, one still in college and one out for almost 5 years because it’s not me saying it. Swain is an amazing woman with a gift for clarity. The Nekkid Communist mention made my day! She speaks about helping Nashville and how one sort of person would not be allowed to do what needs to be done. Which got me to thinking about how my young adult offspring fail to hear me. Perhaps as a professor and not their parent they will listen AND hear!

  3. “Identity politics has done little to resolve the grievances of minorities in the United States. ”

    That’s because it isn’t meant to resolve them, it”s meant to magnify them.

    Isn’t that obvious?

  4. Honestly, it should be pretty easy for Blacks to see exactly how the cultural Marxist democRATs have operated over the past half century by simply looking at all the tent cities that have sprung up as democRATs turn their focus on cultivating yet a nuther plantation by pandering to Illegal Aliens and the homeless! The formula has always been keep yer constituents ignorant, dependent and living in filth… and always “fighting” for their rights, which they’ve had all along! Blacks are waking up and democRATs are trading in their old plantations for new ones.


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