How DARE THEY!!! The Chinese are not fans of Greta – IOTW Report

How DARE THEY!!! The Chinese are not fans of Greta

Chinese Nationalists Turn on Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg.


Guest essay by Eric Worrall

According to the Financial Times, the deteriorating relationship between the USA and China has triggered a collapse in renewable investment, a resurgence in coal, and has turned Greta Thunberg into a Chinese Nationalist hate figure. more

17 Comments on How DARE THEY!!! The Chinese are not fans of Greta

  1. China, like most of the rest of us recognize that this pubescent scold shares with her followers a very big mouth and very little in the way of facts.
    This little twerp isn’t China’s problem, it’s their own arrogance and greed.
    If they want to remain stupid then they need to toughen up.

  2. Funny how Saint Pie-Face doesn’t dare go to China or India and lecture the mega-polluters. Then again, why would she when all her Greta-Groupies are in the USA and EU and she can enjoy the adoration?

  3. …trying to figure out what group of Chinese you mean here. Historically, the “Nationalists” were the followers of Chang Kai Shek, who fled to Formosa (Taiwan) when Mao Tse Tung’s Communists defeated the mainland Republic forces. We call them Taiwanese now.

    You seem to mean the mainland Communist Chinese, however. If so, it should say chinese NATIONALS, not “Nationalist Chinese”.

    …remember, Communist ultimately don’t BELIEVE in nations. Just Communism.

  4. …this does highlight the fact that only the Western democracies even ENTERTAIN this crap. The LARGEST nations, population-wise, never DID and never WILL.

    …and THAT’S why it could never work, even if any of it WERE true.

    And it is NOT.

    Environmentalism is just a tool to destroy the West, nothing more. Greta is just a hammer to beat down economic freedom.

    …and LOOKS like one, too…

  5. Maybe ending the wars might reduce the number of refugees.

    Maybe encouraging others to stop paying taxes will reduce the amount of money the government has to fight wars.

    Consider moving to a white country or state that has no brown people or Muslims.

    The world might be a happy paradise if everyone was white, but sending most of the world to concentration camps just doesn’t seem likely.

  6. “Maybe ending the wars might reduce the number of refugees.

    Maybe encouraging others to stop paying taxes will reduce the amount of money the government has to fight wars.

    Consider moving to a white country or state that has no brown people or Muslims.

    The world might be a happy paradise if everyone was white, but sending most of the world to concentration camps just doesn’t seem likely.

    Bot posts are botlike.


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