Mayor unloads on LGBTQ activist who complained about POW/MIA veteran flags
BPR: An outraged Washington state mayor shut down an LGBTQ activist who dared to lecture him about the Pride flag being flown at City Hall.
Mayor Robert Clark verbally torched a woman named Jen during the Newcastle City Council meeting after her ill-conceived attempt to compare the Pride flag to a Prisoner of War/Missing in Action flag.
During public comment, the activist called attention to Clark’s move last year to prevent the Pride flag from being flown in June, saying she hoped the mayor would support the rainbow-colored flag “in proclamation this year” because of his “new-found appreciation” for flags. more
In other news, the climate witch has been slain.
DingDong The Witch Is Dead.
Not pushing back HARD gavr us the likes of obama, biden, clinton, oelosi and the rest of the scum enabling this sick shit we’re battlling to purge today. It should have never happened. And let’s not forget the corrupt scum of the GOP – who enabled all of it and profited handsomely.
from the sick shit.