How Deep is The Swamp? – IOTW Report

How Deep is The Swamp?

CTH: This outline is reliant upon: (1) intellectual honesty; (2) accepting what is, and not what we wish/hope to be; and (3) the welcomed challenge to prove it all wrong.  Please, prove this analysis wrong – and if we can’t prove it wrong; not by hopes and dreams, rather by actual quantifiable evidence; then please provide possible solutions – quickly.

There are two facets, two recent researched stories, that paint a very disturbing scenario.

The first facet is a reality that Senate Security Officer James Wolfe was given, and leaked, a copy of the Carter Page FISA application on March 17th, 2017.  This is important because it leads to context within the larger issue.

It is virtually guaranteed that James Wolfe received and leaked the FISA Application [SEE HERE]; however, not only was he not charged with the leak, not a single media outlet has taken the overwhelming evidence, reported on the leak – or questioned the DOJ or FBI about why Wolfe was only charged with lying to investigators in December last year.

Why?  Why is that massive DC corruption story completely overlooked?   What does that say about the fourth estate?

It would be entirely impossible for that story to be hidden if the DOJ, FBI, political system (within the Senate Intelligence Committee), and fourth estate were functioning correctly.   Something is severely broken, and there’s no-one doing a darned thing about it.

♦ Accepting that dysfunction leads us into the more recent issue:

The details and circumstances surrounding the plot to smear Judge Brett Kavanaugh, through the use of Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford, by a group of politicians, political operatives and former DOJ/FBI officials.


However, don’t get caught up in the weeds.  For now just look at the bigger picture.

Think about the known names and positions for a moment.

•Ms. Christine Blasey-Ford (academic psychologist and life-long best friend of a former career FBI agent); •Ms. Monica Lee McLean (former 24-year career DOJ/FBI insider); •Mr. Michael Bromwich (former DOJ inspector general and career DOJ/FBI official); •Mr. David Laufman (former CIA, and DOJ-NSD Asst. U.S. Attorney General); •Ms. Debra Katz (political operative and legal counsel with deep DNC attachments); •Senator Dianne Feinstein (ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee); and the myriad of media allies (Mayer, Farrow) and political operatives who each played a role in the scheme.

Again, skip the weeds.  Just look at the big picture.

The smear campaign against Judge Brett Kavanaugh didn’t just involve a small team of connected insiders; their enterprise carried across multiple institutions, the legislative branch, political operations and the media.  This SCOTUS smear campaign was a major effort consisting of multiple organizations (inside and outside of government) and multiple people, and it took considerable planning and coordination to execute.

Now, apply your own intellectual honesty here….

Do you really think that all of those elements described above would even consider going after a supreme court nominee with a baseless lie if they thought they would get caught?  more here

21 Comments on How Deep is The Swamp?

  1. … & PDT is holding Rob Rosenstein’s nuts in his hand at this very moment …

    you don’t think Trump knows all of this? … oh, ye of little faith

  2. Bernie Schvantz ever do time? Anyone at Hughes Electronics? Anyone at the OPM? This is 20+ year infil loot and destroy mission. Not going to drain overnight, not with tens of thousands of fellow travelers embedded like ticks.

  3. @ .45-70
    Shoot low boys, they’re riding Shetlands.

    Or if you are aiming at their nose with a .45-70 aim at their nose and you will hit ’em in the nuts.

    Loves me some 45-70 though, once hit they stay hit. Just a wonderful caliber with a soft bullet.

  4. “Do you really think that all of those elements described above would even consider going after a supreme court nominee with a baseless lie if they thought they would get caught?”

    So? What are you gonna’ do about it?

    “It is virtually guaranteed that James Wolfe received and leaked the FISA Application [SEE HERE]; however, not only was he not charged with the leak, not a single media outlet has taken the overwhelming evidence, reported on the leak – or questioned the DOJ or FBI about why Wolfe was only charged with lying to investigators in December last year.”

    That’s what I thought.

    When all the terrorists threaten to pout. And all the patriots threaten to sit on the couch. (And you’d better wipe that pout off your face! Cause they’ll do it! They’re not kidding! They’ll leave their boots and their guns right there! And sit on the couch. If things don’t change. Right quick! Like in a century. Or two. Just look how much noise they’ve made. They really are crazy enough to do it!) Best to just wait for The Caliphate. (Or SMOD.)

  5. I really don’t get what he’s trying to say; Senate Republicans also part of the swamp? Yep, I think we’ve all understood many of them are that’s why we supported Trump.
    Is he saying Trump has became part of the swamp? Well if that’s the case then it really doesn’t matter what the hell we do in a little over a month.

    Personally my opinion is the swamp is very deep, you have them on both sides of the aisle and you have aides, investigators, DOJ employees, FBI employees and people all the way down to janitors that are part of the swamp, most we don’t even know their names.
    However in this instance I think he’s way over thinking it. This was a smear job by the democrats, even if they knew they had nobody in their back pocket in the FBI or DOJ they still would have done it. Nothing to pin on them if the Republicans grew some balls or some good guys in the FBI did their job. It’s all going to fall on the dumb bitch dumb enough to lie under oath. Possibly Feinstein, but what the hell do the rest care, she’s an old lady that it’s very doubtful will live long enough to serve another full term. She’s not really needed anymore.

    The swamp is very deep and I doubt one man will ever drain it all.

    We don’t have many choices at this point, even if the Republicans in our state are the sorriest piece of scum on our shoe we must vote for them because we must keep the democrats from getting control of either house. Then we sit back and hope and pray that they stop fighting Trump and see how much he can drain.

  6. CTH is the bomb,

    Seldom they are scooped and their sources are fine by me… just as good as the FAKE media.

    If they are inaccurate isn’t is a matter of supporting evidence that does not substantially impeach underlying factual conclusions. I am 100% OK with that.

    Much better than the FAKE news blackout of inconvenient fact.

  7. @Old Racist White Woman October 7, 2018 at 1:44 am

    > We don’t have many choices at this point, even if the Republicans in our state are the sorriest piece of scum on our shoe we must vote for them because we must keep the democrats from getting control of either house. Then we sit back and hope and pray that they stop fighting Trump and see how much he can drain.

    When the “choice” you are willing to accept is “do nothing, and hope and pray that things get better” or “hope and pray that things get better, and do nothing”, you really have no choice, at all.

  8. “When the “choice” you are willing to accept is “do nothing, and hope and pray that things get better” or “hope and pray that things get better, and do nothing”, you really have no choice, at all.”

    Big talk. Lead by example. What are YOU doing? Not planning to do, but actually doing right now?

  9. I’m going home to home in my subdivision, via car and cool cane, going up and down porch stairs, getting out the vote for Braun, Donnelly’s nemesis. DH is hitting up neighbors and friends he often sees when they are out and about, because he can quickly walk over to those houses.

    We wrote up a flyer giving our home phone letting people that we will register them to vote or how to vote online. I photocopied a flyer showing where and when people can early vote.

    Response is great. No dems have yet to shoot me. I risk falling down the stairs or getting attacked by a pet dog, raccoons or getting run over by deer more than facing irate dems. The object is not to convert a dem, the object is to light a fire under the voters who don’t normallyvote in off year elections.

    When I bring up my six grandsons and lying crazy wenches potentially pointing a crooked finger at my boys 30 years from now, the agreement and fear is astounding.

    In other words, get your asses out and campaign your own neighborhood, unless you are a curmudgeon that your neighbors hate.

  10. It seems a lot of the posters here didn’t read the article.
    I side with a bunch of the commenters at the link, that this article is
    near-paranoia…that it is MUCH more likely that either
    A) it’s due to Leftists being unable to think/process rationally…or
    B) it’s due to Leftist desperation, a “nothing left to lose” attitude,
    or even a bit of both.

  11. Hey Anon why don’t you tell me what you think we should do? If you have a better answer than do what we can to keep democrats from taking over either house I’m all ears.

    I for one am not bailing on Trump yet and although I’m not stupid and know Republicans are part of the problem they still are his and our only hope of him draining the swamp. One man can’t do it and democrats will tie his hands behind his back and clog the drain.

  12. The Good GENERAL Svejk,
    I get tired of people saying do something without saying what something is. I’m just as sick of voting as anyone else and swore off ever voting for another RINO establishment candidate, but this crap I’ve witnessed with Kavanaugh convinced me as distasteful as it is we have no other choice. Democrats showed the world just how insane and evil they are and they must not even sniff control again.

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