How did you lose your finger? – IOTW Report

How did you lose your finger?


h/t Doc.

12 Comments on How did you lose your finger?

  1. …I wonder if anyone ever did a traffic study of the accident rate caused by hot women close to roadways full of horny men? There WAS an insurance company commercial a few years ago that alluded to it, but do we have REAL numbers?

    I mean, it would be a difficult statistic to even get, because the guy involved would have to not have a wife or girlfriend (or husband, 2018 y’know) to even THINK about being honest.

    Unless there was a dash cam, or a passenger…

    …and then the problem becomes what to DO about it. Horse blinders? Burkas? Castration? Endless possibilities, most of which would require Democrat-fantasy levels of control of people and their bodies and their actions, so MAYBE not a road we want to go down…

    …but here, enjoy this MAACO commercial from way back in ’84, when it was still possible to actually, legally, admit that men LOOK at women without a massive #metoo explosion. It makes my point….

  2. @supernightshade.
    Yep, it’s been done. Late 80’s Palm Beach Co FL. Women wearing thongs selling hot dogs from carts roadside. Women complained, studies were conducted. Results proved increase in accidents.

  3. Everybody knows that men can only think about one thing at a time.
    Not sure, had have some Ambi-thoughtgeriess moments,,,
    So I’ve been told,,
    Still do wonder where that finger went though.

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