How Do You Say ‘Grift’ In Spanish? – IOTW Report

How Do You Say ‘Grift’ In Spanish?

Mexican president demands $20 billion in aid and legal status for 10 million Hispanic individuals in exchange for helping U.S. with border crisis. more

18 Comments on How Do You Say ‘Grift’ In Spanish?

  1. how about we give Mexico a bill for the free Healthcare, education, and food stamps we provide for their illegals? That should he a half trillion dollars. F you, Mexico

  2. Africa sold all their unwanted assholes (some to us) putrefying their countries and now Mexico just pushes them across the border to us!

    On a scale of 1-10 which is worse?

  3. I smell a pre-planned and coordinated Shake Down (of the American Tax Payers) with 10% going to the “Big Man”, along with free cell phones, housing, welfare, citizenship, (et al.) and voting rights for the new “Biden-Immigrants”.


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