How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ilhan Omar? – IOTW Report

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ilhan Omar?

American Greatness: Nothing in the Constitution requires that members of Congress either be born in the United States or have at least one American parent. We’ve got plenty of foreign-born politicians, and always have; in the U.S. Senate alone, right now, Ted Cruz was born in Canada, Mazie Hirono is from Japan, and Tammy Duckworth was born in Thailand to a Thai mother and American father. The House includes Cubans, Mexicans, Indians, and Dominicans. We’ve had refugees as well, including the late Tom Lantos, a Holocaust survivor.

But now we have Ilhan Omar, one of the first Muslims in Congress, born in Mogadishu, Somalia, brought here as a child, and now representing Minnesota’s  5th Congressional District as a result of the 2018 midterm elections. Along with her Islamic compatriot, Rashida Tlaib (representing Detroit and Dearbornistan), and the ineffable Alexandria  Ocasio-Cortez (the Bronx by way of Yorktown Heights in Westchester County and Boston), the trio of female radicals has jerked the geriatric-led Democrat Party abruptly far-leftward as we approach the 2020 presidential election, tossing previous political calculations into a cocked hat.

But in Omar’s case, that’s far from the worst of it. Conservatives are accustomed to leftists hiding their true motives and feelings as they attempt to claw their way to political control over all of us, but Omar is different in that she makes no attempt to disguise her true feelings, either about America or the Jews. Anti-Western to her core, she rewards the generosity of the Americans toward the Somali Muslim community by spitting  in our faces.

As I wrote recently at PJ Media, there’s something about the Somalis that makes them different from other cultural aliens who have arrived in—or, in the Somalis’ case, been deliberately imported to—the United States. An ethnic group low on its share of geniuses but long on violence, the Minnesota Somalis have the disgraceful distinction of sending more men and boys to join foreign terrorist organizations such as al-Shabab and ISIS over the past dozen years than any other place in the country. And this, of course, is Omar’s district—why would we have any doubt that she will represent it faithfully?

Recently one of the first Somali policemen in Minnesota, Mohamed Mohamed Noor—with a name like that, what could go wrong?—was charged with murder in the 2017 shooting death of Justine Damond; he goes on trial next month, having pleaded not guilty. (Be sure to read the details of the killing at any of the links.) And now, open gang—perhaps “militia” will soon be a better word—warfare is breaking out in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood in Minneapolis as the Somalis (known colloquially in the military and intelligence services as “skinnies”) recreate the same hellish conditions they fled in their East African homeland-

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40 Comments on How Do You Solve a Problem Like Ilhan Omar?

  1. You could start by assigning her to bullshit committees rather than ones that matter. Xerox and coffee/doughnut committee seems appropriate. The demographics of her district means shes only the first. Same with Talib from Dearbornistan. Afraid we’re stuck with the likes of them.

  2. I know what Brads thinking but with the weaponization of the law enforcement agencies against the citizenry some things are better off unsaid. Especially when you have to say them over big brothers all seeing eyes.

  3. If you want to know what is in your heart, listen to what comes out your mouth.
    Nancy Piglosi thinks Omar’s heart is pure in spite of her rhetoric but actually both the pot and the kettle are black.

  4. I suppose the actual problem is the fact that we allow islam inside our borders. By default, it is a political system and is incompatible within the confines of our political system.
    The easy answer is kick them all out, with prejudice.

  5. expose her sham marriage to her brother, then point out that her brother in law is ‘Permanent Secretary’ to the prime minister of somalia. And that she has security clearance. She is not to be trusted.
    “Ilhan Omar Endorsed Somalia’s New President. Four Days Later, Omar’s Brother-in-Law Had a Powerful Job in His Administration”

  6. She committed fraud when she took the oath of office.
    No Muslim can protect support or defend the Constitution.
    No Muslim should be allowed to serve in our Federal Government.

  7. Willing to swear in on a BIBLE and pledge allegiance to AMERICA and the Flag(and mean it) is a good start….duh!
    Not to mention dressing and behaving like a civilized person.

  8. Amazing. Irrefutable evidence of a crime. But since perp is female, democrat, Muslim, and Trump hater she will not be prosecuted. Strip her of citizenship, send her worthless ass back to the middle east.

  9. How about send twenty Private Eyes after her marriage to her brother and find out if its true?
    Immigration fraud should be grounds for impeachment.
    Then get rid of her.

  10. What to do??

    Reject her and everyone like her.
    Stop the advancement of Islamism/
    Refuse the advancement of towel-heads in America
    Deny recognition of any and all foreigners that refuse to assimilate
    Repudiate those that do not accept our standards of life
    And most especially, renounce ANYONE that sidesteps, ignores or diminishes the laws of the United States of America, its flag and/or its Constitution.

  11. Cast iron skillet meets head?

    Can’t Pelosi get her on the Killary hit list since both Kill and Nan are reaching carbon foot print elimination age?

    Where are the ‘good’ Muslims to deal with her? Ha ha ha ha never mind.

  12. @Sum Random Guy March 7, 2019 at 8:29 pm

    > it is a political system and is incompatible within the confines of our political system

    Incompatible with the system that brought us Ilhan Omar? And Nancy Pelosi? Barack Obama? And Loretta Lynch? Hillary? And Hillary?

    “Please sir, I want some MOAR!”

  13. Peace!

    Let her spout her vitriol.
    Let her vent her hate.
    The more she’s heard, the more Americans are pissed.
    That she is a true Representative of her District should not be lost on us.

    The rats aren’t in the silos eating the stored corn, they’re in the House eating the children. Awareness is the first step towards recovery. President Trump is fixing the some of the economic ills brought on by rampant socialism (or tyranny parading as socialism), but the change in our souls – the rejection of evil – must come from each of us – individually.

    Evil generally lurks in shadows. Once openly declared, it is more easily identified – even by the morally impaired.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Half of her voters could probably be deported tomorrow, and the other half could be denied reentry to the US when they want to take a break from fighting for ISIS and al qaeda.

  15. I’d deal with her by asking her one question

    Seeing as how American troops once gave their lives to prevent about a million people in your lunatic asylum of a homeland, to include your odious little ingrate of a self, from starving to death …. how can you harbor any hostility to America at all?


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