How Does The CIA Whistleblower Differ From A Real Whistleblower? – IOTW Report

How Does The CIA Whistleblower Differ From A Real Whistleblower?

The Lid:

By Conor Coughlin  CIA Whistleblower

As a whistleblower myself I have to laugh when Fake News outlets refer to a CIA agent as a legitimate whistleblower, concerned about efforts to rig Presidential elections. Former CIA Director/ perjurer John Brennen and the media may believe this CIA agent is a credible whistleblower, but would their word hold up in any court of law? Not an inquiry for Impeachment, but in a real trial?

When I sought a federal investigation of widespread government corruption in multi-billion dollar scientific research programs conducted on behalf of the EPA, I provided evidence that a court might use to establish case law. I stated unequivocally that ENERGY STAR “certified’ energy efficiency was a defective government-invented product that couldn’t legally be sold anywhere in the USA utilizing the fraudulent energy-savings claims of the EPA. The DOJ, FBI, NSA, and CIA all know this fact, which is why this unique EPA commodity is only marketed through non-profit groups acting as fronts for State-Owned Enterprises with names like the Poised For-Profits Partnership, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, and the Prosperity Partnership.

The EPA’s fraud-based commodity lacks a legal definition, technological description and has no National Standard for the evaluation, measurement, and verification of their extraordinary electrical energy-savings claims. EPA has been claiming since 2009 that their superior brand saves 25-50% more electricity than similar products, but can’t produce any proof of these phony energy-savings claims. It’s allegedly generating tens of billions annually in revenue, but try to find a single news article describing who is actually benefiting from this magical product. keep reading

11 Comments on How Does The CIA Whistleblower Differ From A Real Whistleblower?

  1. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight goes to DC.
    How many oath breaking spies-in-a-bucket can you
    splat against the wall before one of the slimes
    will finally stick?

  2. The gang that couldn’t shoot straight goes to DC.
    How many oath breaking spies-in-a-bucket can lying
    Democrats splat against the wall before one of the
    slimes will finally stick?

  3. Intel Alert:

    For your upcoming Halloween party costume??? Hey, keep it simple. CIA style.

    Go as yourself, but with a whistle, in your pocket. Then when no one expects it, pull out your whistle and BLOW as loud as you can.

    People will ask “what the fuck is that about??”

    Tell them? “I am a whistleblower” and pull out a blank document from the inside of your jacket…or purse.

  4. The difference between a real WB and a CIA WB? A real Whistleblower goes to the Office of Special Counsel, which is specifically tasked with the protection and advancement of whistleblowers. But the OSC is AWOL in this current flap. I can’t believe that all of the big brains covering the WB story have missed this dog which isn’t barking.

  5. As one who has studied the CIA , their chief Modus Opporendi (sp)
    is disinformation and obfuscation . They are a SPY agency !
    Why would anyone believe ANYTHING they say , right , wrong or
    otherwise ! THEY ARE THE CENTER OF THE DEEP STATE ! And have been
    since WW2 . They have their own agenda and play by their own rules,
    and we will never know if we have rooted them all out or not . Even if
    we attempt to disband them .
    When JFK fired Allen Dulles from his position as CIA head , Dulles just
    kept right on running the organization from his living room !
    And NOBODY knew it !

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