How Dumb Is the Plastic Bag Ban? – IOTW Report

How Dumb Is the Plastic Bag Ban?

Ethan Allen. org:

Even dumber than you probably think.

Forget the arguments we’ve made regarding the constitutional appropriateness of legislators deciding “paper or plastic” for us citizens in what is ostensibly a free society, and let’s pretend for a moment this is a legitimate exercise of government force. Is it a smart idea? Is it justified because it will in some measure help save the planet? No.

The objective of the plastic grocery bag ban, as stated by its supporters, is to force customers to bring their own reusable bags to the store, thus reducing litter and landfill waste. But, does it? According to testimony before the House Fish & Wildlife Committee, the thin plastic bags are actually on the whole better for the environment than the alternatives. “They require fewer resources to produce, they’re domestically manufactured, the vast majority of Americans regularly reuse them, most often as trash can liners or to pick up waste.”  more here

37 Comments on How Dumb Is the Plastic Bag Ban?

  1. Why are they so focused on grocery bags?
    Go to Subway, drug stores, Best Buy, hell Amazon for that matter! Everything comes in a plastic bag or wrapping, but noooo, grocery bags are the problem!
    This just goes to show you how Leftists think. They latch on to some Poop DuJour they think will pluck the heart-strings of their obtuse followers and run with it!
    Oh the hypocrisy!

  2. When I was a child it was, “Oh, man, we gots to save dem TREES! Plastic be awesome, and shit!”

    Of course they also told me I would freeze to death and be bereft of coal, oil, and petrol by the science fiction year of 1995.

  3. I reuse my plastic bags from Hugo’s Grocery store to clean out my litter box. I’m doing my part. I figure eventually, the cat shit and piss will disintegrate the plastic and return all to nature.

  4. For a few cents, I can “buy” a plastic bag for my purchases. Actually, these things are pretty sweet – they are much bigger and thicker than the typical plastic shopping bags and if I run into a lone liberal politician, it would be much more difficult for him or her to rip such a bag off of his or her head.

    Come to think of it, this would do more for the environment than 10 progressives busy virtue signaling.

  5. Then they changed their minds… I wasn’t going to freeze to death, I was going to burn up. There was a hole in the ozone and we ARE ALL GOING TO DIE! Then there was radon. OMFG! RADON! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Then there was an oil leak on a ship, and then an oil leak on a sea-pumper… WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Then there was acid rain… you got outside and MELT in the ACID! WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE! Then there was R-12. Bloody hell, we better make that ILLEGAL! And now they even hate R-134A.

    Assholes. We ARE all gonna die — that’s a fact. Quit worrying about plastic bags and straws… and oil that bubbles up out of the ocean in billions more gallons than we ever fuck up.

  6. I live next to a beautiful estuary. Pelham Bay Park, the largest park in NYC. You would never even know you are in ‘NYC’ confines.

    IF I could show you all YOU plastic yeah, DENIERS, the the GARBAGE that washes up on the shoreline, I will send.

    THAT said, the birds that I see amoung some of that shoreline plastic is AMAZING. Adaptation and HUNGER.

    The LEFT has ZERO monopoly on the animals and environment.


    NOT into banning things, but This PLASTIC SUCKS.


    I know…not PC to say, on IOTW?

  7. ghost of brig gen j glover- ” IF I could show you all YOU plastic yeah, DENIERS, the the GARBAGE that washes up on the shoreline, I will send.”

    “I know…not PC to say, on IOTW?”

    Who the hell are you talking to? iotw didn’t write the post. Go bust Ethan Allen’s balls.

  8. Here in NJ, they are on the verge of banning all plastic bags. Of course they all thinking grocery stores, you can bring in your own tote bags which will eventually collect bacteria and so forth.

    Except it was brought up that means department stores can’t use plastic bags, electronics stores can’t use bags, you can’t buy the bags for picking up poop when you walk your dog because they are plastic. This of course will make the citizens of NJ steaming mad, but it won’t matter because the Irony is they will still vote these same Democraps back into office again for the umpteenth time.

  9. It doesn’t matter what they ban, whatever they replace the banned item with with cause trash.
    Why? Because recycling is a fucking joke, even when they fine people (CA) for not putting the right shit in the homeowner’s 5 garbage cans.

  10. Ghost,
    You’re describing a waste management problem, not a plastic bag problem. In NY the problem lies with letting organized crime control garbage disposal.

  11. Actually, I use those re-usable bags, but not because I’m a raging environmentalist. I hate plastic bags, especially the ones from Fred Meyer. They make them smaller now, so you actually have to use more, plus they are thin as hell, so guess what else – you have to use more! Two regular sized cans are all you can put into one bag, and even that’s pushing it. (I’m telling you, that Kroger takeover made Freddie’s worse, not better.)

    I invested in a few re-usables, but didn’t want ones that advertise for anyone (except the “Alaska Grown” program, which does have plastic bags and I would use them – they’re thick), plus they are very pretty and, because they’re square, things don’t collapse into a heap inside the bags and they stand up well in the way back of my car.

    However, I sometimes get them (forget bags in car, etc.) so use them for garbage or when I buy meat.

    I still think banning plastic bags is stupid, especially given the info presented in the article. Those claiming to be environmentalists who refuse to address these questions raised are dishonest and loathsome.

    Added note: @MJA, forgot to mention – yeah, I’m hearing more and more about recycling being a joke. Where I work (legal dept.) we have to shred some stuff, and there’s no recycling bins for un-private stuff, so some people just stick paper in the shred bins, so the company ends up paying to shred stupid things like tea bag envelopes. I never had this “We are a green company” nonsense spewed at me when I first started, so maybe they secretly think it’s a joke too.

  12. In Mo we burn our trash and bury it. We have very few dumps. You drive 65 miles one way to get rid of the shit you can’t burn… or you just bury it in a field. But you can also go to jail for burying trash on your own property. Waste management isn’t only a city problem… it’s certainly a rural problem as well. That’s how a guy with a big truck and an “M” license (our big truck, but not DOT license) can make quite a living. We take trash at 30 dollars a ton to Springfield and charge you 30 dollars a month for up to six thirty gallon bins.

  13. @ BFH and MJA – It’s about consumerism and how to package things as well. You guys know about design and how to present and package things so we need to do the same at he PLASTIC level.

    @ MJA – got ya Eire up did I?? Who the hell do YOU think you are talking BACK too??

    Nice to bring ya’s OUT of the IOTW wood work…

    Like I said I could send @BFH pics to post ALL night about GARBAGE.

    Waste management? HA!

    @ MJA and others – JUST because you AND others, might be environmental aware OR not, there are those that have no effing CLUE about what PLASTIC does and the damage, the uneducated millions.

    Dump in the Ocean and it shows up back on the shores of the Bronx. GREAT.

    WHAT is YOUR solution?

    Here to question, provoke and THINK above all LAUGH.

    And yes I made it a year, this week, on IOTW.

    A Snowy Egret that I SHOT in the ‘polluted’ creek on the attached:

  14. @ ghost of brig gen j glover, no one is saying plastic draped all over trees or water logged into a mushy mess in a lake is a good thing, but rather addressing the reality of what is being presented to people as “the solution.” It’s not really a solution; it just raises its own issues, but environmentalists et al. don’t want to address these questions because they have to save face and line their pockets.

    Could we do with less plastic? Certainly, but the measures being forced down people’s throats aren’t all that, yet they are being forced to pay for them.

  15. You can suffocate a person with a plastic bag, if ya want to, but not with a paper bag…you would just get HYPERVENTILATION.

    Just sayin…

  16. The whole ban plastic bag thing is promoted by grocery stores them selves. plastic bags make up about 1 half of 1 percent of their costs not alot but it is a cost that can vary a bit. Why waste potential profit when you can pay a small bribe to a local politico to ban the bags then force costumers to pay you for the privilege of buying a reusable bag for a buck? Not only do you cut out a cost but you can make nearly a 1000 percent profit selling reusable bags!

  17. Not to be a PITA (pain in the ass) about this but there are certain issues, that we have to be AHEAD of them on.

    We cannot fall into the trap of “they, (meaning the right), don’t like the environment”.

    IT IS CRUCIAL that WE stay out on front of certain key issues that THEY try to monopolize on against US.

    That’s all.

    Industrial Disease…that is.

  18. Personally I always preferred the paper bags, but very few stores even offer paper bags anymore.
    I found lots of uses for paper bags.

    Since I’m a penny pincher, I use the plastic bags in the bathroom trash can.

    I’m not going to ever buy or use those reusable bags, it’s nasty and I’m not one who would ever remember to take them with me anyway.

    How about we quit banning shit and let people use what the hell they want. I kind of liked the choice, “paper or plastic.”

  19. Most cashiers only put one or two things into each plastic bag. So, as I walk out of the store, I grab a couple paper bags and a couple more plastic bags. I put the paper bag into a plastic bag and make a hybrid bag. It is stronger and has handles.
    Then I put the individual, cashier packed plastic bags into my hybrid bag. Thus reducing 15-20 poorly packed bags into 2 or 3 neatly packed super bags.
    When I get home I stuff all the bags into one plastic bag, tie up the top and put it into the trash can. Once a week a truck comes and makes it go away. It’s brilliant.
    However, I am thankful for the people that recycle. Because of them there is more room at the landfill for people like me.

  20. Half the battle is responsible waste management and culture. Yes culture. Ever see the dump a Leftist rally leaves versus a park that’s probably cleaner than it started out as after a Conservative one?

  21. I lived in CA way back when they asked you, “Paper or plastic?” at the grocery store.
    Then they banned paper bags (Save the treeeeeeeees!)
    Whichever way the herd drifts or the breeze blows.

  22. Progressives and Leftists will try anything to make Deplorables lives less comfortable and inconvenient. Conservatives truly do live rent free in their heads. Notice, not all plastics are targeted.

  23. Pooper Scooper is right. How else am I going to be able to go on my morning and evening Poop Patrol in our yard to pick up my dog’s lumps and lumps of dogshit?

    Huge, smelly, moist LUMPS

    Hell, it took us three months to train her not to eat her shit. I reckon I’ll have to teach her to start eating her shit again and snicker when friends come over and she gives them Doggie Kisses.


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