How GOP’s Tax Deal Could End Gov Brown’s Anti-Fossil Fuel Fantasies – IOTW Report

How GOP’s Tax Deal Could End Gov Brown’s Anti-Fossil Fuel Fantasies

Daily Caller: Democratic California Gov. Jerry Brown’s mission to eliminate the state’s gas-powered vehicles could come screeching to a halt if President Donald Trump’s tax proposal passes through Congress unscathed.

The tax bill would zero out the Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicle Credit, a program giving a $7,500 tax credit to people who purchase Teslas and other electric vehicles. California provides a $2,500 state rebate for such customers – they act in tandem to reduce Tesla prices by nearly $10,000.

But the legislation, which seeks to slash the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent and reduce the number of income tax brackets, would likely dash Brown’s hopes of keeping the anti-gas vehicle crusade on the straight and narrow. Reports show the bill could destroy the push.

Data show that the elimination of the tax credit could be a death knell for the budding green energy industry, especially for automakers that can’t mass produce electric vehicles at the scale necessary to replace gas guzzlers in the market. Tesla relies heavily on the credit for survival.

4 Comments on How GOP’s Tax Deal Could End Gov Brown’s Anti-Fossil Fuel Fantasies

  1. The Liberals will cry foul and I’ll tell them what Iv’e been telling them for ten years now , we need to fully investigate these cars – batteries and all before we make them ” Special ” or available at all !
    Once you tell them it’s a Magic Carpet , it’s all over !!!

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