How Government Works – IOTW Report

How Government Works


h/t JRose


9 Comments on How Government Works

  1. It is curious how this has been known for so long and still we have abusive and parasitic govts. How long? Here’s St. Augustine (354-430), in Book IV of The City of God

    Justice being taken away, then, what are kingdoms but great robberies? For what are robberies themselves, but little kingdoms? The band itself is made up of men; it is ruled by the authority of a prince, it is knit together by the pact of the confederacy; the booty is divided by the law agreed on. If, by the admittance of abandoned men, this evil increases to such a degree that it holds places, fixes abodes, takes possession of cities, and subdues peoples, it assumes the more plainly the name of a kingdom, because the reality is now manifestly conferred on it, not by the removal of covetousness, but by the addition of impunity. Indeed, that was an apt and true reply which was given to Alexander the Great by a pirate who had been seized. For when that king had asked the man what he meant by keeping hostile possession of the sea, he answered with bold pride, “What thou meanest by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a petty ship, I am called a robber, whilst thou who dost it with a great fleet art styled emperor.”

  2. When my dad needed a wheel chair, I checked with a local pharmacy. The owner told me that Dad would need a letter from his doctor to bill medicare (which would take months to approve). Medicare paid $60/month for 12 months ($720 – had to be billed monthly) at which time the patient could keep it. I ordered the same exact chair from Amazon for $140 and had it in 2 days. The govt. could order 5 chairs from Amazon with money left over.

  3. Well, I just got on Medicare and a prescription I take had to be ordered from another pharmaceutical company. It was actually passed on to two different companies and I finally tracked it down. While giving them all the information, at the end they asked me if I needed a leg brace – it’s FREE! I asked WTH am I going to do with a leg brace, I walk 4 miles a day! Then she asked if I needed a back brace, it’s FREE! Flabberghasted I told her NO!!!! Just send me what I ordered. Evidently they can charge big bucks for these braces yet send me my generic prescription. When she couldn’t give me free shit she quickly got off the phone with me.

  4. Goldenfoxx – those braces aren’t free – you just don’t pay for them directly. They bill Medicare exorbitant sums for them under your medicare account and you get a cheap, elastic brace that probably costs about $5 A little noticed news story a few years ago revealed that govt. is selling your medicare info to “healthcare providers” so they can market to you directly and bill medicare (braces, diabetes strips, etc. – they call my dad daily).

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