‘How is your coverage so distorted?’: Giuliani Slams Fox – IOTW Report

‘How is your coverage so distorted?’: Giuliani Slams Fox

“I won’t answer another question unless you let me finish. It’s really unfair.”


Rudy Giuliani sparred with Fox News chief White House correspondent John Roberts as he questioned the former mayor about his interactions with the Ukrainian government.

Addressing Giuliani’s recent fiery interview with CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, Fox News Sunday guest host Roberts played the clip for Giuliani, in which the president’s attorney said he did not request Ukrainian officials to investigate Hunter Biden, only to state the opposite moments later.

“It doesn’t matter, I clarified immediately,” Guiliani said after the clip. Giuliani spent much of the interview attacking the coverage of the whistleblower complaint about Trump, and focused on Biden’s alleged role in a “cover up.”

“How is your coverage so distorted? If you did any work you find out [former Ukrainian prosecutor General Yuriy] Lutsenko is the prosecutor that Biden put in. There’s a newspaper article in which Biden approves Lutsenko when he’s appointed. Doesn’t that strike you as odd that the vice president would approve a particular prosecutor? Did you ever bother to look — let me finish,” Giuliani stated, and continued after Roberts tried to ask another question. watch

13 Comments on ‘How is your coverage so distorted?’: Giuliani Slams Fox

  1. NPC John Roberts thought he’d have a punching bag Giuliani. He was wrong. He got a prosecutor prosecuting and throwing real “news” in his face. And now the media will have to spin Biden’s man Lutsenko. Whole lotta plates on sticks, journos.

  2. Last night on Life Liberty and Levin, Mark had an interview with Dan Bonjino, who has documented the real story about the Russia collusion hoax.
    The so called Steele dossier was fabricated in 2007 to take down McCain, but wasn’t needed as McCain screwed up his own campaign.
    The recycled it and made it all about Trump.. of course, people would believe it as he was a billionaire playboy or whatever they wanted him to be.
    Dan confirmed that the smear of our President had full backing of Obama and heads of the agencies that they thought could bring down our newly elected President.

  3. I happened to see part of this “interview” before I started jamming the channel button while screaming obscenities. Why the FUBAR are these assholes incapable of asking a question and then listening to the answer? They think Mr. and Mrs. America gives a shit what John Roberts thinks about a subject? Good Lord people, its easy….listen!!!

  4. SS, I love the format that Mark Levin has on his Fox News show “Life, Liberty & Levin” on Sundays. He asks a question and then lets the guest answer! I know … shocking, right?

    I stopped watching Hannity because I couldn’t stand that he talked more than his guests.

  5. John and Shep both suck…………….. wish to God I could go to OAN, or Epoch Times but I think they are on the computer. And I am rural…… no cell phone towers here in the Sandhill Crane sanctuary southern Mississippi. I watched the interview and John had no interest in what Juliano was saying…… John’s a sucking jerk !

  6. Anonymous-
    I’m a fan of Bongino, too.
    BTW, not only did McCain screw up his own campaign, but GWBush WARNED him they were going to pull the dossier crap on him. Notice how he and W didn’t warn Trump?
    George W is a POS. As for McCain, that goes without saying.

  7. Roberts had a narrative to promote and Rudy wasn’t having any of it. The MSM, including FNC, are so predictable. When was the last time anyone saw them do any investigative reporting, or show any interest in aninvestigation? They are public relations firms for a corrupt ruling class.

    The ruling class with rule and rob until the people elect a slate, 435 reps + 33 senatorial MAGA patriots every 2 years until all the rats are cleared out of Congress.

  8. And what are all the banners showing this a.m? Trump’s illegal conversation with Ukrainian Pres. Nancy P calling for another witch hunt. Are you pissed off enough to fight the commie slime? They will never stop lying.

  9. John Roberts …. John Roberts …. now where have I heard that name before?
    hmmmm … oh yeah, the SCOTUS Quisling!

    note to anyone w/ the last name of ‘Roberts’ … don’t name any child ‘John’ …. never seems to turn out well, does it?


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