How Islam made France and Germany its b!tches – IOTW Report

How Islam made France and Germany its b!tches

FRANCE: French PM: “France is going to have to live with terrorism”

Why not identify its cause, fight it, and eradicate it instead? There were no jihad terror attacks in France in the 1970s and 1980s. What has changed? Why not examine that?

But this defeatism is not surprising. Valls has predecessors who long ago said: “France is going to have to live with Nazism.”

GERMANYMuslim migrants “happy with German attitude of welcoming other cultures and see it a suitable environment to spread Islam”

Will the Germans get a clue? Will Europe? “One of this man’s goals after getting the residence (permit) was to spread Islam. He said, ‘Europe will become Muslim, we will Islamicize (them).’” Will Europe do anything to try to prevent that from happening, or would any resistance be “Islamophobic”?

15 Comments on How Islam made France and Germany its b!tches

  1. It’s a fucking tinderbox,or that castle in England that the motherfuckers snuck in and set fire to the powder room — turned the whole castle into a cannon. All floors and roof gone. Everybody died.

  2. Political correctness wins out over even tourism dollars. Who in their right mind would go to Europe now?
    Not me.

    I lived in Italy in the late 70s early 80s. Other than the mafia and the communist Red brigades it was pretty safe, other than the semi regular house breakins.

    When I returned for a visit in 1993 the place was overrun with immigrants from Italy’s former imperialist holdings and other North African countries like Libya, Somalia, Algeria etc.

    I asked one of them an innocuous question and his reply was “don’t fuck wid me mon. I got a razor in my shoe.”

    That was 1993.

    Ain’t no way I’m ever going back to Europe. The rest of America needs to understand the grave danger there. I’m just glad I could Europe while it was still Europe.

  3. I got news for you. The same things happening here with the BLM. We will look just like Europe if Hillary gets elected. That’s why they want your guns so bad. You’ll need to ask THEM their motive. I just hope the shooting starts before its to late.

  4. In 1996 my bride to be and I traveled to Paris for a week. We wanted to experience Paris not only as as tourists but wanted to experience the non-tourists spots as well. So we researched and found a small hotel in Montmartre (18th arrondissement) which was a hip and upcoming area in Paris for the Parisians. We were in our very early thirties at that time and had a blast!

    The one thing I remember growing up and experiencing during my time in Paris was that the French are very proud of their culture and somewhat rude to foreigners, especially Americans. Well, we got our taste of that when me and my bride to be were there. I remember one night we got turned away at the door at two restaurants before we were accepted. I do speak a little french. But not enough for them.
    Also when we went to the post office with a stack of post cards to be mailed, he yelled at us in french, “Just speak french!”.
    But we laughed it all off. And respected their pride.

  5. When these terrorist attacks happen it really stifles the late night comedians.
    What do they talk about?
    Yes, they still attack Trump but they have to be careful with the news.
    They are too dumb to realize that their outrageous zeal to elect Hillary will lead to weekly attacks in the USA.

    “Today Hillary Clinton allowed another 100,000 muslims into the US.”
    “On the bright side, only 10% of those will kill Americans.”
    “Yes, that translated to 2.8 million dead Americans, but hey, we’re good people.”

  6. Loco, your last comment is forcing me to go watch George C Scotts opening speech in the movie Patton. And I forbid that weak sister Levin from ever using it again cause he don’t get it.

  7. Normandy was named due to the Norse invasions. France just gave them the area.

    I have a French combat rifle, hardly fired and only dropped twice.

    The Champs Elysees that leads to the l’Arc de Triomphe is lined by trees because the Germans like to march in the shade.


  8. If you roll back through history you’ll find the French were instruments in our independence. Not sure what happened after that but I figure we owe them something.

  9. Meerkat, you have no argument from me with the French. I just hope that’s not where we are headed. Have you heard about the new alliance between Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho? The last free states. I’ll link it tomorrow as I have it at work.

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