Geller Report: 

Islamization of Holland: “For us gays, Amsterdam was [once] the safest city in the world to live in.”

I get emails from Europeans everyday expressing similar sentiments in one way or another. And I don’t mean from gays, I mean from non-Muslims.

By  :

A former inhabitant describes how Islamisation changed his Amsterdam neighbourhood. According to him socialist politicians are responsible for the dissapearance of Dutch culture and the rise of Islam in the area. 

In 1990, I moved in to the “Bos en Lommer” area of West Amsterdam (in Dutch: “Amsterdam West”) to be with my lover at the time. Bos en Lommer is part of the second major expansion of Amsterdam from the city’s original canal centre outwards. It was built during the 1920s and 30s. Originally home to a mostly middle-class population, it has undergone a dramatic transformation in the last three decades, with the most rapid change happening since 2000.

In the summer of 1999, while biking towards the Bos en Lommerplein with my lover, we were met with the old familiar slur: “Hey! Faggots!” We were often threatened with this old and familiar slur during the fifties and sixties, but it had vanished when gay liberation took a firm hold in Dutch society. For us gays, Amsterdam was the safest city in the world to live in. At least so we thought.

[…] There must be a special and intricate psychological reason why the offspring of Moroccan and Turkish migrant workers in Holland so deeply detest the land that took their parents in, the land where they, their children, were born. Of course not all young Moroccans and Turks are criminals, but most criminals nowadays are (as you may have guessed) of Moroccan and Turkish descent. I could not care less about their double passports or their religion. But their disregard for the Netherland’s tradition of tolerance sickens me to the core.

In 1996 I moved into my own place in the same Bos en Lommer area, about five minutes away from my former lover’s dwelling. Within the 20 years I lived there, I witnessed a dramatic change. It seemed that I had moved from a Dutch neighbourhood to a Middle Eastern or North African town, without even lifting a finger. I lived on the second floor a four-story building, sharing the staircase with my neighbours. When I moved in in 1996, all my neighbours were Dutch. When I moved out, all of them were Turks and Moroccans.

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  1. This is what happens when political correctness takes over and free speech is squelched.
    You complaining about the Muslims taking over your culture? You, sir, are guilty of a hate crime. Go directly to jail.
    I have yet to understand why the European politicians promoted the demise of their own cultures, except they are mentally challenged liberals with no children.
    Oh, and the idea that the European Union would make Europe a powerhouse? Not so much. It’s been the instigator of Europe’s demise.

  2. Think of what is going to disappear. The Heineken factory…gone (no alcohol allowed). The Rijksmuseum….gone(no art or painting allowed by Islam). That means Vermeer, Rembrandt, Hals, Van Gogh…all gone.
    Belgium and Sweden are going first…but just think of what goes when you get to France, German and Austria. Say good bye to classical music, all the great beer and all the great wine.

  3. While reading this guy’s story and how he now despises “multicultural diversity”, I started to think about his own history. Reading between the lines, he talks about forcing his homosexual culture upon what was probably a 98% heterosexual society and making them except it no matter how they felt. Now the shoe is on the other foot. Granted, while there is no comparing a death cult to a sexual deviate cult, I suppose some could say what goes around comes around. It probably would do no good to tell this guy there comes a time when turning the other cheek no longer works. Sometimes you you have to take a stand and fight. I really wish him Good Luck.

  4. I’m good with this as I just Patented a back up alarm that also recognizes facial features and tattoo’s and yearbooks and general relationship issues…UM HUMMM….

  5. We need to make sure we Imprison Muslims equally, with our Laws and no Chance at any exceptions for these Cheese Stealing Rats !
    Let’s start with the Muslim Cop who shot the Blonde fitness Lady, saying Allah told him to shoot her !!!

  6. A sad story to be sure, but you could replac3 Muslims in this story with blacks (African or North American) or Hispanics from anywhere north of Panama, and the story wouldn’t change too much.
    Yes, the Muslims are likely the worst, but the are not much better than blacks (if any) and Hispanics only slightly better.
    It’s the third-world Stupid!
    It’s not just Islam.
    Think of Tolstoy’s opening line from Anna Karena about happy families.*
    Well ordered and productive societies are mostly the same.
    Unhappy and dysfunctional societies are all screwed up in their own unique way.

    *”Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.”

  7. I can honestly say I met a lot of smug Dutch in my life who lorded their cultural diversity and superiority over America. Now they are exactly where they deserve to be and it will only be through violence (because of how far it’s gone) that anything will be preserved.

    Their daughters are raped in the streets, their gays are slandered and beaten, their cultural icons are vandalized, and you can’t ride their public transportation or go certain places in their cities. Woe upon them for not forcing cultural assimilation or deportation.

  8. The Europeans are like the frog in a pot of heating water on the stove. Too late you morons.

    Like putting a mountain lion and toy poodle in the same room, coming back in a day and expecting to find both still there.

  9. It’s only gonna get worse boys and all that can be said is that you and you Liberal enablers brought it on yourselves when you put on those rose-colored, kum-encrusted sunglasses of political-correctness that don’t allow you to see the forrest for the trees! This is a big, BIG mess that you created and only solution is an ugly one that the adults in the world will have to take care of… thanks to YOU!

  10. Hans: “smug Dutch” perfectly describes my brother-in-law’s socialist “tolerant” Dutch mother, who is completely intolerant of my conservative viewpoints. I have politely pushed back on her when she sends out broadly distributed emails complaining about US intolerance of muzzies, or advocating socialism, and she’s so butthurt about it (cuz I hit “reply all” before I respond), she’s deleted me from her email list. Never would engage in a polite discussion—nooooooooooo—just cuts all communication. I could care less about having communication with her, but it bugs me that her screeching rants continue to pollute the minds of all my young niece she and nephews.

  11. There needs to be another Crusades, but fought on their home turf. The Dutch (and all of Europe) have to realize that Western Civilization is worth saving and is not just a pretty museum-piece. Just look at all the beautiful cathedrals and churches of Europe — mostly open now just for tourist gawking, not for worship.
    When the Pope starts washing the feet of Muzzies, it won’t be long until the Vatican and all of its priceless art, books, music, statuary, tapestries, will be ground under. The coming Dark Ages — every individual and home has to salvage their own corner of Western Civilization as best they know how.

  12. Fags v. izlamists

    Brings up the conflicted notions of reading about the Eastern Front (or the Great Patriotic War) in WWII – National Socialists v. Soviet Socialists.

    Ya just kinda hope they destroy each other, but ya know that’s not how it’s gonna work out.

    Faggot Fascism v. izlamic Fascism – sheesh …

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Ah, yes, the right worshipful “Western Civilization”. That, by design, brought this republican turbulence down on us. Or, perhaps, it was, by design, merely too weak to shed it. Either way, let us, now, all, swear our treasure (what’s left of it), and our blood (to the very last drop), to stand it up, prop it up, and give it another try. Like communism in Africa. Like communism in South America. Like communism in North America. It will work! It must work! Eventually. It just hasn’t been ruled by the right people, yet.

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