How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It (Watch) – IOTW Report

How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It (Watch)

Asheville is known as the “Seattle” of North Carolina, with Raleigh not being far behind. But unlike Seattle, Asheville police officers do not mess around in these matters, as evidenced by what took place last night. MORE

28 Comments on How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It (Watch)

  1. It takes the collective mentality of pieces of shit, like Seattle has and has had a critical mass of, to think that the antics of spoiled brats is cute, smart or funny.

    I have lived close to Seattle most of my life and what I have observed has been that Seattle has looked at shit like these punks are pulling the way leftists in general view the bullshit that their piece of shit offspring pull. If you pay attention, they think their offspring are “precocious,” and that the whole world should be as amused as they are by the bullshit behavior of their little bastards.

    I’ve witnessed this dynamic manifest in Seattle for decades. This is how Seattle got to this point and why we are seeing what we are seeing with respect to the dichotomy in how these temper tantrums play out.

    Collectively Seattle is and has for decades been analogous to a household “run“ by a bunch of shitbag fucking hippies.

  2. Just a week ago, all of those empty pallets were stacked with bricks. Gotta hand it to those antifa frontiersmen, forging new nations in the wilderness. They use every part of the animal.

  3. Better to arrest and prosecute the ones trying to take it over, especially the organizers and leaders, than to just put it down for now.

    It’s deliberately violating all sorts of very serious laws all the way up to and including insurrection and possibly treason (engaging in war against the United States).

    No penalty and no consequences, actually rewarding them with success, even if a limited one, only emboldens them and attracts more supporters and more troops for the next shot at it.

    Not that I expect that to happen.

  4. How do these leftist anarchists flip the switch and become capitalists?


    They have opened Autonomous Zone franchises all across America. Look around, chances are they opened one in YOUR town. They shortened the name to save on neon signage, though, so look for

  5. Don’t know if Asheville can lay claim to being Seattle of the east coast. Just listened to a 44 min FB Live play by play “action plan” of a gay newbie communicating with fellow comrades. Here’s some of the highlights:

    We’re organizing our own autonomous zone calling it Miller Town, named for the slave who built the Biltmore House.

    Well we’re not organizing it per se, the org called Boots On The Ground is. I don’t who they are.

    Our message is, we don’t need police, we only need each other and can take care of our own with love and kindness.

    I got upset because today it was announced Trump rolled back obama Trans healthcare law and so now the medical field can discriminate against us. So yeah, I’m upset.

    We need snacks. All we have is water. So pls bring non perishables, granola bars, cough drops. Things like that. Oh, I have a big thing of baby wipes at home. I’ll get those.

    I have a leaf blower in my backpack for when the cops hit us with tear gas, but it plugs in and needs to be charged.

    We had barricades set up on each end of the street but the cops made us take them down and also told us if we didn’t get out of the street they’d arrest us, so we just staying on the sidewalk right now.

    I have to go home by 10:30 because I have to work tomorrow.

    Warlord Raz, he is not.

  6. I would say that this is RACISM, to judge a person by the color of their cloths. How is it different than the color of their skin?
    The United States Declaration of Independence promises “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” until it intrudes on someone else’s “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
    All of these protests are to true definition of “oxymoron”.
    Like “Idiot Savant” without the “Savant”.

  7. “Collectively Seattle is and has for decades been analogous to a household “run“ by a bunch of shitbag fucking hippies.”

    That’s one of those large, bolded, inset statements you’re likely to see embedded in major article. Sums up everything about Seattle!

    The only observation I could add is that Seattleites are unbelievably NAIVE.

  8. @Engelburka

    Silly queers. And the Biltmore House in Ashville was built in the 1880-1890-1900 timeframe. There were no slaves around during that time. Vanderbilt was never a slave owner.

  9. My friends and I built better forts than that when we were 10 years old, back in the 70s. We hammered-out and built elaborate tree houses as well as hidden underground forts in the woods. What these lispy phaggs are doing is the equivalent of throwing a blanket over a table inside your home to make a “tent,” as toddlers sometimes do.

    If you watch other videos at the link, there’s one further down where the guy filming is saying “oink oink oink” and “I smell bacon.” Really? That was something else we did….when we were 10.

    We’re dealing with some seriously self-retarded young people here.

  10. “…the slave who built the Biltmore House…”

    Yeah, him and John Henry.

    Hey juicyfruit, did you ask permission to appropriate a black man’s name for your pallid pallet squat?

  11. @Kevin R. June 14, 2020 at 10:57 am

    > America, love it or leave it.

    Americans have told the United States that. Numerous times. It never ends well. For Americans.

  12. …from the article…

    “Text “GUILLOTINE” to 696969
    Asheville, NC Is in the process of creating an autonomous zone. I am here as a medic and we have a medical team set up right outside the boundaries. Stay safe.”

    …setting aside the wisdom of having someone named ”
    “GUILLOTINE” with a text # of “696969” tending to you in a traumatic crises, one wonders if by “medic” he means “guy with a box of bandaids and a set of hemostats he’s wiped MOST of the pot resin off of for the occasion”. Even low-level medical training for EMT-B is pretty encompassing, takes some time to do, requires practical application and continuing education (it’s a PRACTICE like any OTHER medical practice), and is usually arrived at via some municipal agency…at which you are SWORN IN and take an OATH to uphold Federal, State, and Local laws…and DO NO HARM.

    …seems to me THIS (guy?) Is pretty much betraying ALL of that. It’s ONE thing to care for someone injured in furtherance of a crime. That’s part of the job and expected behavior. It’s quite ANOTHER, however to set up a facility for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of SUPPORTING a crime in CONTRADICTION of the aforementioned oath.

    True, you COULD be a hospital-trained assistant, but if so, you are DEFINITELY out of your element. It’s one thing to assess, stabilize, and treat patients in a temperature controlled, well-lit, clean room full of rational angles, cabinets filled with supplies, and high level medical doctors a shout away; it’s quite another thing to do it in an inverted vehicle with a flashlight between your teeth so you can sort out what’s seat belt and what’s dangling entrails because of the eviceration your patient recieved from the traffic sign they rolled over, so you don’t cut the wrong thing when you drop them to start chest compressions.

    But even so, let’s say you ARE fully trained, somewhat experienced, and reasonably well equipped.

    What of it?

    Medics do NOT, on the whole, provide definitive solutions or long term care. A
    Medics provide emergency aid, resucitation, and stabilization of SUSPECTED injuries so a patient can be transferred to a COMPLETE hospital facility for proper diagnosis and full treatment. You have a spiffy l’il belt kit there. Do you have an X-ray machine, MRI, full lab services, and a panoply of cardioactive, vasoactive, palliative, respiratory, and infection control drugs in it? No? Then at SOME point, you’re gonna have to transfer “your patient” to the REAL world. You set up for that, there, Dr. Schweitzer? Got backboards, Bashaw blocks, C-collars, ET tubes, MAST anti-shock garments, stuff like that you may need to even STABILIZE a traumatically injured patient for transport?

    Bear in mind that, like that fool that got boinked by the statute, there’s gonna be a delay getting transportation out of your “Autonomous Zone” because uniformed City employees are going to have to transit a riot zone filled with people trained to hate unifomed City employees. Your victi…I mean, “patient” will be in your “care” quite a bit longer than normal. Are you prepared for that? Also like that guy who lost a fight with a statue, your patients can have MULTIPLE issues on ONE patient, like:

    -Head trauma, closed and open (duh). Maybe in more than one place, because he probably got hit in the head by statue, THEN hit his head sonewhere ELSE when he hit the GROUND. Might have even had MULTIPLE impacts depending on what he was standing on when struck.
    -Cervical (neck) injuries, always very, very likely with head trauma. Screw up here BELOW C5 and he’s paralyzed for life; higher, and he’s on a respirator for life.
    -Back trauma, same reason.
    -Bleeding from anything that was damaged by the statue and the fall, as well as broken ribs, damaged organs,etc.
    -Cardiac. He coded a couple of times in the squad, but not really because of his heart as much as the head injury. You ain’t fixing this in the field, but you WILL have to DEAL with it.
    -many other considerations, too many to continue listing.

    …and that’s just ONE guy. You’ll probably have MORE. And you’re NOT getting outside support.

    You READY for that?

    …oh, and I hope you either have a National Registry license or a NC license, because your patient care in presenting yourself as a “Medic” WILL be a topic of discussion in civil AND criminal courts WHEN your anarcho-sindaclist commune collspses of its own weight.

    And if YOU’RE White, your patient is Black, and there’s a problem with the outcome from some malpractice or omission of yours, you can fully expect to be accused of racially motivated substandard care because you hate Black people.

    What a lark, huh? Still sound like fun there,”Mr. Medic”?

    …I’m so sick of these jacklegs claiming to be medics I can SCREAM. Go throw rocks in undefended windows if you must, but quit pretending like you’re an adult who understands even the basics of honor or duty or decency necessary to do that job because you CLEARLY wouldn’t recognize any of those things if they BIT you.

  13. …oh, an as to THIS…
    “Stay safe.”

    …you know how to best do THAT?

    Don’t START riots…
    And don’t GO to riots.

    …try it, assholes, otherwise the adults may have to give you some unsafe owwies…

  14. …and the above doesn’t even address the OTHER inevitable sequela of your stupid attempt at self-government.

    Whatcha gonna do when a rape patient comes in? Sometimes guys in places with no police get preety rapey, it’s happened in Seattle, it’ll happen to YOU. Well, what’s the PLAN, Stan?

    Also, when they start beating, stabbing, and shooting each other, you ready for that? Gonna do the paperwork for the legal issues from it? What about when the friends of one of the fighters show up in your tent to kill the person in your care who beat their friend, ready for that.

    …and then there’s the burn injuries from Molotov cocktail misfires, blunt force trauma from poorly built structures collapsing, and endemic alcohol/drug abuse/overdose issues, many of which can NOT be addressed by Narcan, you ON all that, Chief?

    …and some of those folk may have contagious diseases, and others may be combative with YOU. Gonna keep yourself safe there, Medicman?

    …yep, pitch a tent, say you’re a medic, and let the good times roll, eh? Fun, fun, FUN, and NO responsibilities what…so…ever…

  15. …I don’t actually fill the bag @Aaron Burr, I just do everything AFTER that.

    …and we only put in what the Trump admin TELLS us to put in, just sayin’…

  16. Entire Marine divisions go to sleep at night with visions of revenge against the Charms guy and here I am talking to the guy who was his boss.

    Hang on, need to call (202) 433-4073 and ask for Sgt. Maj. Adrian L. Tagliere at the Marine Barracks in DC.

    Just….just stay where you are. A whole fleet of Ospreys will locate you shortly.

  17. …no, I’m just a glorified electrician, I am boss of none.

    …I CAN point the Ospreys in the right direction, however, just let me get back to work first now that my knee is healing…

  18. …wish that pix was just a LITTLE clearer, then I could tell you if I had anything do do with his bed or not, there’s more than ONE MRE maker, y’know…


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