How long before the sexual assault accusations begin again? – IOTW Report

How long before the sexual assault accusations begin again?

Hunter will be slithering around the White House, too.


Staff Points Finger At Biden’s Inappropriate Sexual Behavior.

Joe Biden’s inappropriate behavior goes way beyond touchy-feely behavior with young girls and invading the personal space of Democratic candidates and staffers.

In his 2014 book on the Secret Service, long-time investigative reporter Ronald Kessler wrote that female Secret Service agents were upset by Biden’s habit of swimming naked in the swimming pool in the vice president’s house in Washington, D.C., and at his home outside of Wilmington, Del., while they had to stand watch.

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” wrote Kessler. “Female Secret Service agents find that offensive.”

He went on to write in his book, “First Family Detail: Secret Service Agents Reveal the Hidden Lives of Presidents,” that because of this habit of stripping down in front of female agents to swim, and because of frequent last-minute trips to Delaware, Secret Service agents considered an assignment to Biden’s security detail to be the second worst assignment in the Secret Service after Hillary Clinton.

In an article that in the #MeToo era seems bizarre, the magazine The Atlantic ran a story in 2014 after the release of Kessler’s book entitled, “In Defense of Naked Joe Biden” in which the writer referred to Kessler’s report on Biden as “mere gossiping about when he gets naked” saying the information has “no civic value” — ignoring the presence of the female agents and how Biden’s exhibitionism affected them. read more

h/t Not at all confused.

17 Comments on How long before the sexual assault accusations begin again?

  1. Is the headline a joke? Do you really think that they are going to say anything that will make even more people look at November’s election?

    Any accusations that come up will be buried alongside Hunter’s lap top.

    The above of course is null and void if it fits into Harris’s plans.

  2. Never. We are already watching the most stage managed and coordinated candidate in history.

    Don’t get me wrong. The media does what it can for any Democrat but it’s Weekend At Biden’s 24/7. He’s only operating by a means of fishing line, a sophisticated series of weights and pulleys and a cassette tape in his back.

    Unless he pulls out his pud and starts whacking it during a live State of the Union which is in February, the enemedia will not allow any image of Biden looking like the invalid dementia patient he is. They consider him their Roosevelt Project.

  3. I think the media will suppress every scandal during his last 100 days, followed by increasing intermittent shots across his bow to remind him of his agreement to the plan. He will accede, but dR. Jill will be the one who will not go gracefully, and they’ll have to threaten to reveal her as a conniving, gold-digging whorebag to get her claws off the West Wing.


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