How long is she going to play this game? – IOTW Report

How long is she going to play this game?



Look at this poor, pathetic old woman who was beaten by the big ole meanie alpha-male Trump.
She’s so depressed she has stopped wearing makeup and has been dressing like a bag lady. She won’t even leave the house! Well, you know, unless she’s going to be front and center on camera looking like an under-medicated Jimmy Carter to win the sympathy vote.


She Took My Teeth!

36 Comments on How long is she going to play this game?

  1. Gaaaaaaaaack. No wonder Bill’s always sniffing around for something else. If she looks this bad now, just think how traumatizing she must look first thing in the morning. Spice that image up with a mouth fulla butt breath and just a hint of metabolized alcohol. Bleeeeeck.

  2. Ron Fournier claims her campaign raising doubts on the legitimacy of this race is a strategy for considering 2020. Running around drumming up sympathy (not mine!) and appearing to be a normal person would fit that strategy. They probably have polling data and found out what the rest of us already knows – she is seen as an out-of-touch elitist. Everyone knows she isn’t hiking, or going grocery shopping or pumping gas for her chauffeured limousine. There is nothing real about this woman. What is even more pathetic, she can’t even find strangers to take the photos with her in public. What is she at a Sears studio with a couple campaign pals changing the background to appear at random places?!

  3. Who the *F* CARES “how long”?!?
    (professional hugs to you, MJA)

    The LONGER the Left goes this route,
    the more DISGUSTING they come off
    to the average American!

    They are DESTROYING themselves!
    DON’T. STOP. THEM!!!

    What a blessed time in which we live.

  4. Two things to consider: if she gets off scot-free again, will she survive 4 more years? With her bad health, advancing Parkinsons, and drinking problems…not likely. More likely, she will stroke out and go down for good.
    Secondly: IF she is convicted, felons are usually never successful at being elected. Besides that, as Billy Jeff said repeatedly, “people just don’t like you, Hillary!” How many times does it take for that tidbit to soak through that snakeskin’s head?

  5. She has nothing else to do. Or lose.

    If she has to admit that she lost the election, her life, as she had it planned forever, is over.

    Suck it up, Hillary.
    You’re done like dinner.

  6. The State of Pennsylvania has declared Stein’s request for recount missed the deadline. She will file suit, but at this point it will be a nuisance suit, and I hope she gets counter-sued by the Trump Team for her troubles. Watch Hillary bail out of this ill-conceived plot by Soros. At this point she is pulling the angry dragon’s tail. Not Wise, Hillary!
    Soros should be either digging deeper in his root cellar looking for cover, or leave the country in the stealth of night to avoid all the killing teams serching for him, world-wide.

  7. I guess it’s pretty frustrating when all your conniving, machinations, frauds, bribes, threats, murders, markers, enormous vote-farming by the DoJ, corruption, and the backing of Satan, himself, comes to naught.

    Must suck to be her – especially when Satan calls his due.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Transformation to Bull Dyke – Phase 1 – No Makeup – complete.

    Phase 2 – no jewelry – initiating phase 2

    Phase 3 – flannel shirt – phase 3 pending…..

    that reminds me, where the fuck is Hamas Abedin?

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