How low can they get? CNN lies about who was praying for Scalise – IOTW Report

How low can they get? CNN lies about who was praying for Scalise

FAKE NEWS: CNN Caught Lying Over Congressional Baseball Game.

CNN was forced to post yet another correction for a misleading headline on Friday, this time falsely reporting that only democrats observed a moment of silence for injured House Majority Whip Steve Scalise during the Congressional Baseball Game.

According to CNN’s official twitter account, only democratic members of Congress took a knee before Thursday night’s match, even though the group prayer clearly included both democrat and republican lawmakers.

The cable news network posted a video of the touching moment on social media, erroneously claiming, “Members of the Democratic team gather on the field for a prayer before the Congressional Baseball Game.” Other news outlets, such as Fox, accurately reported the bipartisan prayer, writing, “Both Congressional Baseball Teams Observe Moment of Silence at 2nd Base.”

8 Comments on How low can they get? CNN lies about who was praying for Scalise

  1. Yes, the same people who told us “God won’t fix this” last Summer after San Bernardino, the same people who scoffed at “thoughts and prayers”, are now trying to be seen as out-praying the Republicans. Amazing how they can do that shit with a straight face.

  2. How low? They are past the basement, well into the subfloors. They won’t stop until they reach hell at which point one of the propaganda readers head will spin 180 degrees and screach “Trumps mother sucks cocks in hell,”

    I can’t watch them. Anyone have a list on who advertises on CNN?

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