How many licensed mammogram facilities does Planned Parenthood have? – IOTW Report

How many licensed mammogram facilities does Planned Parenthood have?


Planned Parenthood keeps trying to tell America that they are a woman’s healthcare provider and that only 3% of their money is used in abortions. It seems as if they don’t provide a much-needed woman’s procedure at any of their locations funded by your taxes.

9 Comments on How many licensed mammogram facilities does Planned Parenthood have?

  1. I think common procedure there is, “Hi, how are you?” followed with a baton to the back of the head and when they wake up they’re sitting on the front pavement outside.

  2. This is the kind of stuff that conservatives need to share on FB or Twitter. The MSM will never report this. There’s momentum against PP right now. We need to strike while the iron’s hot.

    Michelle Malkin says the stoic, go-about-your-business nature of conservatives is why we lose whereas the Left is big on social media. Check out what’s trending on social media; it’s more likely something the Left wants getting noticed.

  3. The logic behind the, “ya but they do health care too” argument is little more than, “ya but Mussolini got the trains to run on time”. They kill a baby a minute. What else they do with their time is of no interest in that light.

  4. PP MUST be defunded. That I am paying these inhuman vile ghouls to torture, kill and profit from their abhorrent acts is enough for me to take Billy Fuster up on his call to not pay taxes.

    Ted Cruz was interviewed by Hugh Hewitt (see above post ). He said that he will not vote for the continuing resolution that runs out in September If PP is not defunded.

  5. Planned PARENTHOOD exists to support reproductive health, not breast cancer detection. This argument is like asking why an ENT doctor does not provide prenatal care. Different doctors – different mission.

  6. “…exists to support reproductive health”

    They don’t do a very good job of supporting any kind of health, and damn sure not “reproductive health”; that would require not killing the reproduction. You assholes on the Left make me sick.

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