How much longer? – IOTW Report

31 Comments on How much longer?

  1. I await with bated breath the Youtube of her beating the shit out of the thin lizard.
    Good thing it wasn’t Shasta who fell in the Gorilla’s cage, the Wookie would have rescued her single handed and killed Harambe.

  2. All applause by the military was because it was the LAST time they have to put up with this two-faced lying, pompous, elitist, worst commander-in-chief ever, who LORDED IT over the military, with no concern for their well being or service.

  3. Not every female is womanly or feminine. And that’s fine. BUTT, if you are in public 90% of the time, and you have a less less less less than feminine quality, you need to wear appropriate dresses, pantyhose, the proper eyebrows, etc. She doesn’t have to be delicate, even Melania doesn’t look delicate, but try to look like a fucking respectable female and stop wearing off the rack shit that look like they were made out of recycled awnings somewhere in the south seas. And be consistent with the hair. One day she’s borrowing Beyonce’s wigs, and the next day she looks like she’s wearing a coconut with a chin-strap. If you’re interested in reading more of my ramblings, stay tuned for my next newsletter, “Oh, you need to stop that shit!,” next Wednesday.

  4. Expectations are too high if you think a Sasquatch can look presentable. Mooch aka Sassie couldn’t find class or style even if they were hidden under a pile of tamales.
    BTW, “…a coconut with a chin strap”, that’s a keeper, MJA. LOL!

  5. >>that we make sure that we’re serving you as well you served us.<<

    Obama didn't even get close to serving the our Nation, Military or Veterans. Obama, the betrayer, put us at high risk. He spent his energy serving our enemies, Iran, ISIS, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood and all the other false prophet, pervert praying, terrorists groups.
    Worthless commander in chief, worthless president, worthless, ungrateful, treasonous American.

  6. And she has the gall to call US neaderthals! Those flat-footed size 10s at the end of those knock-kneed legs are very manly. I can’t believe she thought she looked good in those little-girlish fashion trends she wore.

    Fur, I’d like to see your rendition of what she would come up with for January 20th. Geoff C. and I were imagining a Mooch tour de force, a literal rockets red glare of her favorite fashion elements all death-marched together in a single ball gown and accessories. Can you do it?

  7. AA
    “Fur, I’d like to see your rendition of what she would come up with for January 20th. Geoff C. and I were imagining a Mooch tour de force, a literal rockets red glare of her favorite fashion elements all death-marched together in a single ball gown and accessories. Can you do it?”

    LOL ‘all death-marched together’ – the betrayin’ death march

  8. hanoverfist December 28, 2016 at 12:35 pm

    No Gorilla remarks please.
    Everyone knows that Wookie are related to Canines and NOT Primates.

    Well, the Wookie sure had me fooled. she looks closer to an ape than a canine. It gives dogs a bad name ya know.

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